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  • #4618

    cool i’ll have a play with this – should be able to get a stream easily from my slug.

    a small pain i can see is that i will need to find an alternative to tcpdump (ethereal perhaps) to sniff my windows pc itunes.

    will probably report back with something in a few days


    @barnseyboy wrote:

    cool i’ll have a play with this – should be able to get a stream easily from my slug.

    a small pain i can see is that i will need to find an alternative to tcpdump (ethereal perhaps) to sniff my windows pc itunes.

    will probably report back with something in a few days

    I was gonna swing at this too, but the lastest osx update broke libpcap on the wireless interface. grrr…


    problems decoding flow

    i used tcpdump and tcpflow to capture network between client and server but ran into problems running decodeflow

    it gave the following errors when passing it the stream (of the 3689 traffic) i tried it three times on three seperate streams, first two were when playing a track, last one was on a full ‘read’ of the library when itunes client connects. each time i get no output to disk.

    the client i was experimenting with was itunes 6.05.20 on a pc, sniffing on debianslug nslu2.

    interestingly whenever i try to run tcpdump and connect via xbox, xbmc 2.0 it always times out saying ‘cannot connect to server’. as soon as i stop running tcpdump, it connects!? i am able to samba from xbmc to slug when tcpdump is running. that could put a dampner on my trying to log xbmc traffic anyway!!

    NSUL2:/home/bb/mt-daapd-svn-1417/tools# ./decodeflow -d
    Bad tag: (00474554)

    NSUL2:/home/bb/mt-daapd-svn-1417/tools# ./decodeflow
    Reading headers for conv 0

    NSUL2:/home/bb/mt-daapd-svn-1417/tools# ./decodeflow -d
    Bad tag: (00474554)

    @barnseyboy wrote:

    it gave the following errors when passing it the stream (of the 3689 traffic) i tried it three times on three seperate streams, first two were when playing a track, last one was on a full ‘read’ of the library when itunes client connects. each time i get no output to disk.

    The ones it decodes are the ones *from* the itunes server.

    The first one is from 3218 to 3269, that’s a request, not the reply, so it won’t be decoded.

    The second one looks like it decodes, but perhaps it’s just something like a song fetch.

    The third one is also a request, not a reply.

    The only interesting thing is the initial connect. Everything else isn’t very interesting. So ideally, you would start dumping (with a large snaplen!) and connect and disconnect. That’s all you need. Then flow it, and decode the response. You should see two pairs with 3689… one is xxxx -> 3689, the other is 3689 -> xxxx. You want to decode 3689 -> xxxx. If you edit the *other* one, it should look like a bunch of http headers… something like:

    GET /server-info HTTP/1.1
    accept-encoding: gzip
    connection-type: keep-alive
    user-agent: itunes 6.0

    … etc.

    — Ron


    hmm this is getting frustrating!

    for some unknown reason tcpdump/libpcap on my nslu2 w/ debianslug LE does not capture outbound traffic .. thus making catching firefly responses impossible

    i therefore installed the windows version on a pc here, got a tcpdump for windows, caught transmission from windows firefly to xbox but get various errors when trying to decode. details of which are below.

    any pointers on what else im doing wrong!!??

    xbox is on 006 windows pc with firefly server is on 007
    traffic between xbox and pc obviously doesnt decode ..and as you explained when i head it i see

    > head
    GET /server-info HTTP/1.1
    Host: 192.168.09ÈT0T)(
    `1GET /content-codes HTTP/1.1
    Host: 192.1689ÈT0T)(
    `1GET /login HTTP/1.1
    `GET /update?session-id=2&revision-number=19ÈT0T)(
    `1W8W)¨Àc fBÐPY]oGET /databases?session-id=2&revision-numbe9ÈT0T)(

    head of traffic between windows pc firefly and xbox returns this

    > head
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 141
    Expires: -1
    TTP/1.1 200 OKBÐPY]o)¨À[[ùBßPÛ§¨À[[ùBÞP>EÓË)¨À][ùBÜP3ò)¨À[[ùBÚPm%
    Content-Length: 7097
    Expires: -1

    but when i run decode flow on the traffic from 007 to 006 i get this

    > ./decodeflow -d
    Bad tag: (00485454)

    @barnseyboy wrote:

    hmm this is getting frustrating!

    for some unknown reason tcpdump/libpcap on my nslu2 w/ debianslug LE does not capture outbound traffic .. thus making catching firefly responses impossible

    Hrm… maybe the flow tool is broken? Wonder if I can get a capture with my wired ethernet. Wish apple would fix libpcap..

    — Ron


    it appears i was lying! (i think i was using the -d argument by mistake) when i have re-run decodeflow on the flow i get the following ..

    > ./decodeflow
    Reading headers for conv 0
    Headers complete for conversation 0
    Flow IS NOT compressed
    Uncompressed size: 0
    Reading headers for conv 1
    got Content-Length: 141
    Size of conv 1 is 141
    got Expires: -1
    got Cache-Co
    got Content-Length: 7097
    Size of conv 1 is 7097
    got Expires: -1
    got Cache-C
    Headers complete for conversation 1
    Flow IS NOT compressed
    Uncompressed size: 7097
    Bad tag: (00000016)

    i then get the following files in the directory

    -rw-r--r-- 1 bb bb 0 Nov 15 10:43 compressed.0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bb bb 7097 Nov 15 10:43 compressed.1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bb bb 0 Nov 15 10:43 decoded.0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bb bb 0 Nov 15 10:43 decoded.1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bb bb 0 Nov 15 10:43 uncompressed.0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bb bb 7097 Nov 15 10:43 uncompressed.1

    unfortunately you previously said i should be interested in the ‘decoded’ file which appears to be empty!

    what next?



    I’m having what I believe is the reverse problem from what you all are.

    All of my Playlists and Smart Playlists are showing up great on XBMC (the 2.0.1 release by t3ch). I’m using the latest nightly build of Firefly (1441). However, the main Music library fails to load. I get no error message, and no obvious error message in the Firefly log. I have 7637 songs in my iTunes library.

    I tried creating a Smart Playlist that contained all of the songs in my library. This too failed to load, which leads me to believe it is nothing specific to the Music playlist, but instead the number of songs being transmitted. I tried turning on the “Empty Strings” param as someone had suggested, no go. I also tried turning on the gzip compression as I thought perhaps it was a buffer problem with XBMC. Also no go.

    When I connect my local copy of iTunes to the Firefly server, I can retrieve all playlists, including the main Music library, with no problem.

    I’m at a loss as to how to proceed next. I will probably have to try installing the last “Stable” build you released in hopes of fixing it, although I will be sad to lose the ability to display the Smart Playlists.

    I should note that before iTunes 7 came out, XBMC had no problem retrieving Smart Playlists and the entire Music library directly from iTunes.


    Does XBMC 2.0.1 and the latest FireFly Media Server work ok together, or does this problem still exist?



    @ajayre wrote:

    Does XBMC 2.0.1 and the latest FireFly Media Server work ok together, or does this problem still exist?


    Still there afaik.

    — Ron

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