Siren Player, a web browser firefly media player.

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Add-on Software Siren Player, a web browser firefly media player.

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    We have developed a web apllication which will allow you to interact and stream your music from your own personal firefly server to any ‘modern’ web browser. The web application is called Siren Player and located at In theory it should work with any open-daap server, but was tested specifically with a windows firefly server and mt-daapd. See for a list of actual features.

    The site only requires an open-id sign in so it is very simple to try out. We only index your song lists to provide custom ‘smart’ list capability and your server information so your browser can later retrieve the songs. We do not retrieve your actual media files or proxy them at any time. An inline flash player does all of the direct media file grabbing and that is hosted and in your browsers security sandbox so it is only your browser that ever accesses your hosted media files.

    The site itself is still in beta, so we are looking for some people that would like to try it out and provide feedback. This can be done at this email address or via the contact email on the site. Eventually we hope to provide a plug-and-play experience, but right now it takes a more technical savvy person to make sure things are setup client side. We hope you can help us get there with your feedback!



    Looks cool. Trying it now. Does it work on the Wii?


    @blamm wrote:

    Does it work on the Wii?

    Unfortunately not.

    The Wii uses a version of Flash that Siren will not work with. Siren requires that the browser have Flash 9 or above.


    I love the idea for and look and feel of the app but I seem to be having some issues with it populating from my server. I get through the login phase – connect to my library and wait.. and wait some more. I have a very large library (65K songs) so I expect for apps to take a while. Unfortunately, even after leaving the app running for 6+ hours I don’t ever see any songs. Any idea what may be going on? Is there a song limit or a timeout I may be contending with?

    I’d be happy to work with you on testing the application with my large library if you are interested.


    @onecaibou wrote:

    I love the idea for and look and feel of the app but I seem to be having some issues with it populating from my server. I get through the login phase – connect to my library and wait.. and wait some more. I have a very large library (65K songs) so I expect for apps to take a while. Unfortunately, even after leaving the app running for 6+ hours I don’t ever see any songs. Any idea what may be going on? Is there a song limit or a timeout I may be contending with?

    I’d be happy to work with you on testing the application with my large library if you are interested.

    I just checked your server status and it appears to be stuck on the “downloading” phase. At 65k songs, we are talking about many megabytes of data and it probably timed out. I will look into this more, increase timeouts or size thresholds if necessary, and have you test it again.

    I will let you know when things are good to go. I appreciate your interest.


    I made some improvements which will likely solve your import issues. One thing that I would recommend when using large libraries is to turn on compression in Firefly — this can be found under the advanced settings. This setting is OFF by default for some reason. It should really speed up the transfer time.


    The developer is aware of this and working on it. I have the same problem.


    Cool – let me know how I can help.


    Seems to be working now all 10k song loaded. Needed to start a new sync. Suggest you contact him directly if you still have problems. Seems a nice guy and very willing to help.


    Excellent work Beeblebrox. It’s working now. Library was snappy to load and the UI is awesome.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

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