on the fly conversion doesnt work

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  • #885

    Using version svs-1433 on an unslung 6.7 NSLU system. Thats the newest that the feed from fireflymediaserver provides for the NSLU.

    When I try to playback an ogg (oggdec and so is installed via ipkg) then I get to see this in the log:

    2006-12-12 01:49:40 (000c0804): Session 0: Streaming file ’01. To the Moon & Back – [Savage Garden].ogg’ to (offset 0)

    No error or so. But nothing arrives at itunes or winamp with msldaap plugin. I use the default config file that came with the svs (with adapted musicpath and .ogg in the fileextensions of course). Shouldnt that do conversion then?
    It also tells me is trying to playback a wav on the client, but just nothing arrives.

    Any ideas?


    @mas wrote:

    Using version svs-1433 on an unslung 6.7 NSLU system. Thats the newest that the feed from fireflymediaserver provides for the NSLU.

    When I try to playback an ogg (oggdec and so is installed via ipkg) then I get to see this in the log:

    2006-12-12 01:49:40 (000c0804): Session 0: Streaming file ’01. To the Moon & Back – [Savage Garden].ogg’ to (offset 0)

    No error or so. But nothing arrives at itunes or winamp with msldaap plugin. I use the default config file that came with the svs (with adapted musicpath and .ogg in the fileextensions of course). Shouldnt that do conversion then?
    It also tells me is trying to playback a wav on the client, but just nothing arrives.

    Any ideas?

    It’s not even trying to transcode. either ogg isn’t in your ssc_codecs, or you dont’ have the ssc-script plugin loaded.

    — Ron


    Well this is in the config:

    extensions = .mp3,.m4a,.m4p,.ogg,.flac,.url,.alac
    ssc_codectypes = ogg,flac,alac
    ssc_prog = /opt/sbin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh

    plugin_dir = /share/hdd/conf/firefly/plugins
    plugins = rsp.so,ssc-script.so

    And yes, I moved the firefly webroot + plugins to /share/hdd/conf/firefly and /opt/bin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh is the location of the script.
    I also just looked into that script and verified the path to oggdec is right.

    So dunno why it wouldnt transcode. It also appeared as if iTunes was waiting for a wav stream when I tried to playbakc the ogg.


    @mas wrote:

    Well this is in the config:

    extensions = .mp3,.m4a,.m4p,.ogg,.flac,.url,.alac
    ssc_codectypes = ogg,flac,alac
    ssc_prog = /opt/sbin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh

    plugin_dir = /share/hdd/conf/firefly/plugins
    plugins = rsp.so,ssc-script.so

    And yes, I moved the firefly webroot + plugins to /share/hdd/conf/firefly and /opt/bin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh is the location of the script.
    I also just looked into that script and verified the path to oggdec is right.

    So dunno why it wouldnt transcode. It also appeared as if iTunes was waiting for a wav stream when I tried to playbakc the ogg.

    Ah, sorry, you are probably right. I thought it said “transcoding” not “streaming” when it was transcoding. I guess I have to fix that. 🙂

    Check that /opt/sbin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh is executable and the shebang is right — I think it uses /opt/bin/bash, so check that. Also, try adding explicit paths to oggdec rather than just assuming it’s on the path.

    Guess I could fix that too.

    – Ron


    ls -la /opt/sbin/mt-daapd*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 279092 Nov 19 23:22 /opt/sbin/mt-daapd
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1200 Nov 19 23:22 /opt/sbin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh


    ls -la /opt/bin/oggdec
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8992 Nov 6 21:43 /opt/bin/oggdec

    ls -la /opt/bin/wavstreamer
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8212 Nov 19 23:22 /opt/bin/wavstreamer

    … hmmm looks all right.


    I case you know what I can do to debug it pls let me know…


    @mas wrote:

    I case you know what I can do to debug it pls let me know…

    Wow, everything looks right.

    Might help to put your debuglevel to 9 and see what that tells you. It should show you the actual command it’s running to play that song.

    Also, connect with iTunes and verify that the .ogg files show good metadata (title, artist, etc) and that when you do a “get info” on a song, it shows it to be a .wav file.


    1. Holy shit, -d 9 explodes the logfile. 1.5 MB for the startup alone. Also all goes down to a crawl. 12 Minutes for startup and connecting with a client again causes headache while watching the logs.

    Anyway, heres the log from one attempt to play an ogg. I connected with GetItTogether as I hate to install iTunes. Can dig up my laptop with iTunes installed if its needed but this should tell all that there is and its long:

    2006-12-17 07:37:12 (00000400): SocketDataReady got a packet from to on interface
    2006-12-17 07:37:12 (00001404): Thread 2: Freeing request headers
    2006-12-17 07:37:12 (00000400): Received Query from :5353 to :5353 on 0x0005C468 with 1 Questi
    on, 1 Answer, 0 Authorities, 0 Additionals
    2006-12-17 07:37:12 (00001404): Thread 2: Freeing response headers
    2006-12-17 07:37:12 (00000400): AddRecordToResponseList: _daap._tcp.local. (PTR) already in list
    2006-12-17 07:37:12 (00001404): Thread 2: Freeing request vars
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00000400): AddRecordToResponseList: Mabuse Music Server._daap._tcp.local. (SRV) already in list
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: got request
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00000400): AddRecordToResponseList: Mabuse Music Server._daap._tcp.local. (TXT) already in list
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Request: GET /databases/1/items/3958.wav?session-id=3 HTTP/1.1
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00000400): AddRecordToResponseList: schnecke.local. (Addr) already in list
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Host:
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00000400): select(7, 1960987.985351)
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Host=*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Added *Host=*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Accept: */*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Accept=*/**
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Added *Accept=*/**
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Cache-Control: no-cache
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: User-Agent: GIT/0.2 (Windows; N)
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *User-Agent=GIT/0.2 (Windows; N)*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Added *User-Agent=GIT/0.2 (Windows; N)*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Client-DAAP-Version: 3.0
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Version=3.0*
    2006-12-17 07:37:13 (00001404): Added *Client-DAAP-Version=3.0*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Client-DAAP-Access-Index: 2
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Added *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Client-DAAP-Validation: 485D003536386E4163085922B6B9CF14
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Validation=485D003536386E4163085922B6B9CF14*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Added *Client-DAAP-Validation=485D003536386E4163085922B6B9CF14*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Authorization: Basic R2V0X0l0X1RvZ2V0aGVyOmhvaG9obw==
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Authorization=Basic R2V0X0l0X1RvZ2V0aGVyOmhvaG9obw==*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Added *Authorization=Basic R2V0X0l0X1RvZ2V0aGVyOmhvaG9obw==*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Client-DAAP-Request-ID: 1
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Request-ID=1*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Added *Client-DAAP-Request-ID=1*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Read: Connection: Close
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding header *Connection=Close*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Added *Connection=Close*
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Read:
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Headers parsed!

    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Checking to see if connection matches close
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): And it DOES!
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: Connection type HTTP/1.1
    : Connection: non-persist
    2006-12-17 07:37:14 (00001404): Thread 2: parsing GET args
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Entering ws_getgetvars (session-id=3)
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Adding arg session-id = 3
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Added *session-id=3*
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Done parsing GET/POST args!
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Original URI: /databases/1/items/3958.wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Translated URI: /databases/1/items/3958.wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Preparing to find handler
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: URI Match!
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Time is 1166337435 seconds after epoch
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Setting time header
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Added *Date=Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:37:15 GMT*
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Added *Connection=close*
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Added *Server=mt-daapd/svn-1433*
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Added *Content-Type=text/html*
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Added *Content-Language=en_us*
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Thread 2: Using non-default handler
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): in main_auth
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Checking url /databases/1/items/3958.wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Dispatching auth for /databases/1/items/3958.wav to plugin
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Checking url /databases/1/items/3958.wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:15 (00001404): Dispatching /databases/1/items/3958.wav to daap/svn-1433
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): in main_handler
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking url /databases/1/items/3958.wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Dispatching /databases/1/items/3958.wav to plugin
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking url /databases/1/items/3958.wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Dispatching /databases/1/items/3958.wav to daap/svn-1433
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Getting uri…
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Mallocing privinfo…
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Added *Accept-Ranges=bytes*
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Added *DAAP-Server=firefly/svn-1433*
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Updating Content-Type from text/html to application/x-dmap-tagged
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Added *Expires=-1*
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Index (null): offset 0, limit 999999
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Tokenizing url
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Found 17 elements
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking reponse 0
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking reponse 1
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking reponse 2

    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking reponse 3
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking reponse 4
    2006-12-17 07:37:16 (00001404): Checking reponse 5
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Checking reponse 6
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Checking reponse 7
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Checking reponse 8
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Checking reponse 9
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Found it! Index: 9
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Executing: select * from songs where id=3958
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Entering config_set_status
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Exiting config_set_status
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Session 0: Streaming file ’01. To the Moon & Back – [Savage Garden].ogg’ to (offs
    et 0)
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Transcoding /share/hdd/data/Music/Savage Garden/Savage Garden/01. To the Moon & Back – [Savag
    e Garden].ogg with ssc-script/svn-1433
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Executing /opt/sbin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh “/share/hdd/data/Music/Savage Garden/Savage Garden/01. To
    the Moon “‘&'” Back – [Savage Garden].ogg” 0 341.000 “ogg”
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Updating Content-Type from application/x-dmap-tagged to audio/wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Updating Connection from close to Close
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Expires: -1
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Cache-Control: no-cache
    2006-12-17 07:37:17 (00001404): Emitting reponse header DAAP-Server: firefly/svn-1433
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Accept-Ranges: bytes
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Content-Language: en_us
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Content-Type: audio/wav
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Server: mt-daapd/svn-1433
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Connection: Close
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Emitting reponse header Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:37:15 GMT
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Entering config_set_status
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Exiting config_set_status
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Thread 2: Terminating
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Thread 2: Freeing request headers
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Thread 2: Freeing response headers
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Thread 2: Freeing request vars
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): Thread 2: Closing fd
    2006-12-17 07:37:18 (00001404): With thread 2 exiting, 0 are still running

    I think thats all.


    Ok, when I try to manually execute

    /opt/sbin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh /share/hdd/data/Music/Savage Garden/Savage Garden/01. To the Moon & Back – [Savage Garden].ogg 0 341.000 “ogg”

    then it fills my screen with garbage which likely is the wav stream.

    And trying to duplicate the exact same escaping and executing

    /opt/sbin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh “/share/hdd/data/Music/Savage Garden/Savage Garden/01. To the Moon “‘&'” Back – [Savage Garden].ogg” 0 341.000 “ogg”

    also garbages my screen. So the commands seem to work but somehow nothing arrives. Why?


    @mas wrote:

    also garbages my screen. So the commands seem to work but somehow nothing arrives. Why?

    Because GIT doesn’t play .wav files.

    iTunes should play it though, but I’m not sure why the daap plugin for winamp wouldn’t though.

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