FirePlay Flash client for FireFly

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  • #13781

    @Bo Mellberg wrote:


    I just had a hung process on my server which made my open Flash document unsaveable. Since I chose to overwrite, it first removed the fla-file and then could not save it, anywhere.

    It set me back about a month (my last backup) but I have dissassembled it using Trillix but all variables and comments are gone.

    Well, it was a hard way to learn to ALWAYS perform backups!


    Oh dear. Let me know of you need help with any of my “contributions”.


    Reminds me of my music. I backup’ed it -just- on time, when my external harddisk with all my music died.

    When I connected my backup, the filesystem was FUBAR’ed. *sniff*

    Believe me, I know how much it sux to lose work.


    …but it could have been a huge loss for the rest of us in humankind. I am glad to hear that you managed to salvage at least a little bit of it.

    This might not be right moment to ask for new stuff, but I have a suggestion.

    I tried FirePlay on my Wii console the other day. It sort of works but the limited memory in the Wii results in frequent crashes. Would it be possible to give the application an argument while loading? Something like http://…/FirePlay.html?client=limited

    My idea is that then you could load one item at a time. Click source, then click genre, then click artist etc. Then only the specific items would be loaded into memory and it could be used on a thinner client. Or do I misunderstand the basic memory problems?

    Anyway, thanks again for a great app and good luck with your recovery!


    Bo Mellberg

    @wahlis wrote:

    My idea is that then you could load one item at a time. Click source, then click genre, then click artist etc. Then only the specific items would be loaded into memory and it could be used on a thinner client. Or do I misunderstand the basic memory problems?

    It will all be solved in future versions, when sorted database queries come to life.


    I am amazed how great this works. I have Firefly running on my my iphone, now anywhere I go I can play my music via the flash!
    Thank you!!!!

    I tried reading through all the pages, is there an update coming for the interface?

    Bo Mellberg

    @shaiss wrote:

    I am amazed how great this works. I have Firefly running on my my iphone, now anywhere I go I can play my music via the flash!
    Thank you!!!!

    I tried reading through all the pages, is there an update coming for the interface?

    WOW, it works on the iPhone as well? Cooool. More reason to get one I guess.

    When I’m content with the look and feel of the 800×600 version (I have sort of promised Ron to implement playlist handling) I will definitely look into making a hand held version. In my mind it works the same way as the large one, but it shows only one list at a time, so when you select something from the artist list it scrolls left and brings up the album list. It could be quite nice. More to come!

    FYI I have restored all functionality up to version 0.75 from the reverse engineered code. The code looks quite ugly now but it works.


    @Bo Mellberg wrote:

    FYI I have restored all functionality up to version 0.75 from the reverse engineered code. The code looks quite ugly now but it works.

    Well done! Thankyou..

    PS. Next time you are near the search box can you get rid of the “search” title. It is a bit superfluous and gets in the way of long song titles.


    Bo Mellberg

    @blamm wrote:

    PS. Next time you are near the search box can you get rid of the “search” title. It is a bit superfluous and gets in the way of long song titles.

    I don’t know, I like having the title there. Especially for beginners. But I get your point. I’m thinking of solving that problem with a scrolling Now Playing instead.

    The new version is 0.77 and has dynamic resize in the upper part of the application as well.


    @Bo Mellberg wrote:

    I don’t know, I like having the title there. Especially for beginners. But I get your point. I’m thinking of solving that problem with a scrolling Now Playing instead.

    The new version is 0.77 and has dynamic resize in the upper part of the application as well.

    OK. IT looks much better in the new version. And you have fixed the fonts, cool!

    Have you noticed that the now playing and search text doesnt resize sometimes?

    Bo Mellberg

    @blamm wrote:

    Have you noticed that the now playing and search text doesnt resize sometimes?

    Yes. I dunno why. If there is text in the search window, it resizes. But if it’s empty and you resize, new text is entered in the previous size. Very annoying.

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