Reply To: XBMC


i have just start experiencing this today.

upto yesterday i was using the mt-daapd_0.2.4-1_arm.deb version of mt-daapd on my nslu2 using the songs.gdb file and my XMBC (latest ver released mid 2006) could see all my playlists and within each playlist could see all the tunes. it was marginally faster at showing lists than SMB, and my family liked using this mecahnism cos of the playlists rather than our rather long folder listing via SMB

i updated to latest nightly mt-daapd-svn-1376.tar.gz with sqlite today and now in XMBC i can see the playlists and library entry, but they are all empty.

im guessing this is bug is still open, does someone want a copy of my songs.db file to help debug it? is there anything else i could do to assist? i’d obviously really love to get this feature back!

thanks in advance


in case its useful info here is a chunk of the debug output from when xbmc is requesting to view the playlists from firefly

Request: GET /databases/1/containers/6/items?session-id=1&revision-number=2 HTTP/1.1
Thread 34: Read: Host:
Thread 34: Adding header *Host=*
Added *Host=*
Thread 34: Read: Client-DAAP-Version: 3.0
Thread 34: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Version=3.0*
Added *Client-DAAP-Version=3.0*
Thread 34: Read: User-Agent: iTunes/4.6 (Windows; N)
Thread 34: Adding header *User-Agent=iTunes/4.6 (Windows; N)*
Added *User-Agent=iTunes/4.6 (Windows; N)*
Thread 34: Read: Accept-Language: en-us, en;q=5.0
Thread 34: Adding header *Accept-Language=en-us, en;q=5.0*
Added *Accept-Language=en-us, en;q=5.0*
Thread 34: Read: Client-DAAP-Access-Index: 2
Thread 34: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
Added *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
Thread 34: Read: Client-DAAP-Validation: 88C11DDA990CDE79B813855DFD41A186
Thread 34: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Validation=88C11DDA990CDE79B813855DFD41A186*
Added *Client-DAAP-Validation=88C11DDA990CDE79B813855DFD41A186*
Thread 34: Read:
Thread 34: Headers parsed!
Checking to see if connection matches close
Thread 34: Connection type HTTP/1.1
: Connection: persist
Thread 34: parsing GET args
Thread 34: Entering ws_getgetvars (session-id=1&revision-number=2)
Thread 34: Adding arg session-id = 1
Added *session-id=1*
Thread 34: Adding arg revision-number = 2
Added *revision-number=2*
Thread 34: Done parsing GET/POST args!
Thread 34: Original URI: /databases/1/containers/6/items
Thread 34: Translated URI: /databases/1/containers/6/items
Thread 34: Preparing to find handler
Thread 34: URI Match!
Thread 34: Time is 1159310635 seconds after epoch
Thread 34: Setting time header
Added *Date=Tue, 26 Sep 2006 22:43:55 GMT*
Thread 34: Using non-default handler
Added *Accept-Ranges=bytes*
Added *DAAP-Server=mt-daapd/svn-1376*
Added *Content-Type=application/x-dmap-tagged*
Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
Added *Expires=-1*
Executing: select type,query from playlists where id=6
Returning token 2003
Entering sp_parse_phrase
Entering sp_parse_oexpr
Entering sp_parse_aexpr
Entering sp_parse_expr
Entering sp_parse_criterion
Entering sp_parse_string_criterion
Returning token 0010
Returning token 2001
Returning token 00fd
Exiting sp_parse_string_criterion (success)
Exiting sp_parse_criterion (success)
Exiting sp_parse_expr (success)
Exiting sp_parse_aexpr (success)
Exiting sp_parse_oexpr (success)
Exiting sp_parse_phrase (success)
Fetching sql statement size
Size: 22
Serialized to : (genre like '%jazz%')
No query/filter
Executing: select * from songs where ((genre like '%jazz%'))
Enumerating size
Executing: select * from songs where ((genre like '%jazz%'))
Got size: 5210
Item enum: got 81 songs, dmap size: 5210
Added *Content-Length=5271*
Emitting reponse header Content-Length: 5271
Emitting reponse header Expires: -1
Emitting reponse header Cache-Control: no-cache
Emitting reponse header Content-Type: application/x-dmap-tagged
Emitting reponse header DAAP-Server: mt-daapd/svn-1376
Emitting reponse header Accept-Ranges: bytes
Emitting reponse header Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 22:43:55 GMT
Done enumerating.
Entering config_set_status
Exiting config_set_status
Thread 34: Terminating
Thread 34: Freeing request headers
Thread 34: Freeing response headers
Thread 34: Freeing request vars
Thread 34: got request