Yet another FireFly Client (SilverPlay)

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Add-on Software Yet another FireFly Client (SilverPlay)

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  • #18373


    I will update the version i am running first.

    results from current install:

    I get no xml output, just a one word file which says ‘msrv’

    Debug is set on but the pop up dialog persists so it is impossible to get past , its error output is:

    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res)
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
    at System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContent()
    at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
    at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Parse(String text, LoadOptions options)
    at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Parse(String text)
    at FireFlyConnector.FireflyConnector.GetSaveXElmenetFromResult(String resultXml)
    at FireFlyConnector.FireflyConnector.ConnectedResponseCompleted(Object



    If you don’t get an xml response from http://:3689/server-info?output=xml then it seems that the version you are using is probably not supporting RSP as otherwise this command should respond with a valid xml file.

    You have the possibility to install the latest fireflymediaserver?
    Never seen this response “msrv” before.


    well, simple as that , running latest nightly and all is well. Superb application, love it!

    Thanks for bearing with me.


    @niknak wrote:

    well, simple as that , running latest nightly and all is well. Superb application, love it!

    Thanks for bearing with me.

    Nice to hear that this solved it 🙂


    I hope people are still watching this. Otherwise I might PM nystedberry if there is response. Anyways:
    I recently started running Windows 7 (the Release Candidate). I understand that this is new software, and likely unsupported, but I have been getting the following problem, and I don’t think it’s just a Windows 7 thing.

    I have SilverPlay (version 0.1.1, the newest version, I believe) installed in a subdirectory of the Apache server root (e.g. “”) and I would like it to access my FireFly server at the same domain, but at the FireFly port (e.g. However, when I do this, it immediately throws the login prompt as if I were to log in to the admin root. It is my understanding that the purpose of the ClientAccessPolicy.xml file is to allow the “outside server” (in this case, Apache) to access the FireFly server’s music and info without administrative login. I have tried placing the supplied ClientAccessPolicy.xml file (along with an even less restrictive one provided by Microsoft) in every server and directory root to no avail. Am I doing something wrong?

    I should note that the installation worked correctly on the Ubuntu server (Versions 8.04,8.10, and 9.04).



    sorry for not answering before but I’m very busy at work. (that’s also why the new version is not public yet… ::-(

    It’s defenately not Win 7. I’m using it myself for a long time already and also developed it on that.
    The clientaccesspolicy.xml file is not really ment for access control of users but to allow/prevent certain domains/host access to certain directories.
    The default appache that comes with firefly does protect the root with an admin password. For the Silverlight client to access the clientaccesspolicy.xml file the admin credential have to be provided. (The username can be blank, just provide the firefly admin password)
    I have not have time to investigate on how to disable this…. But if you really want that and have some time to investigate I would be very interested in that.


    Thanks for your reply!
    I have a little time on my hands, but in about a week I’m moving and starting grad school.

    I am not a web developer, and I have very little experience programming HTML or anything similar. I simply wonder if it is possible to do this with Silverlight, since it is possible with flash.

    In a setup almost identical to my Silverlight setup, I have the flash frontend (FirePlay) installed in a separate subdirectory of my apache root, and it points to my Firefly server. It exhibits similar behavior to the Silverlight installation if there is no crossdomain.xml file, but when the crossdomain.xml file is in the Firefly webroot (admin-root) I can simply point my browser to the apache server and I don’t have to enter a password. Using SilverPlay and the corresponding ClientAccessPolicy.xml I can get no such behavior to work.

    I hope the above is helpful…if you have time I’d be willing to help you check this out, but if you don’t, don’t stress out about it too much.



    I would love to use SilverPlay instead of FirePlay witch im running right now on my server.

    However, after loading SilverPlay the passwordpromt pops up where I tpye the username and password of my FireFly-Server (Version svn-1696) in.
    But instead of loading my archive I get a Bug-report with following inside it:

     bei System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary()
    bei System.Net.DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs.get_Result()
    bei FireFlyConnector.FireflyConnector.ConnectedResponseCompleted(Object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)

    This is the point where everything stops.
    In my opinion the parameters are filled correctly:

    Any Ideas?

    Thanks, dNoize


    Hi dNoize

    What do you get if you use the following url in a browser?

    As the used ip is an internal ip address, I suppose you are only using silverPlay from within your local network.
    if you want to use it from outside your network you have to provide the public ip 🙂

    If the first command is working, can you try to add teh debug=true proeprty to the init parameters in the html file?

    This will replace the mesh panel with debug output.

    Hope that helps,



    I am running the latest silverplay but seeing an issue.

    Mp3 file playback is stuttering quite a bit – all files, regardless of my server unit sitting idle or keeping itself busy.

    I see the buffer question on the forum – is this being looked at for the next release?

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