Windows 2003 Server w SP1 & Firefly 1.0 svn-1281

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues Windows 2003 Server w SP1 & Firefly 1.0 svn-1281

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by cjl2006.
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  • #423

    I have an interesting problem and hope someone has either came across the same or know a solution.

    I’m running Firefly on a windows 2003 server. The installation went well, so did the configuration. I’m able to stream music to iTunes locallly. Remotely, the clients (tried 2 XP machines, 1 OSX) can see the Music server name as a source. However, trying to access the music library the clients hang. The same holds true when trying to access the webadmin (password was set) remotely.

    I’ve checked the server’s firewall settings (it’s actually disabled). The clients don’t have the firewall enabled either. Firefly doesn’t show any obvious errors in it’s log – even with a higher debug level. I’ve tried stable version of firefly as well as the nightlies – all produces the same results.

    Has anyone gotten Firefly to work under Windows 2003 w/ SP1 completely and/or have suggestions I could explore?



    @cjl2006 wrote:

    The same holds true when trying to access the webadmin (password was set) remotely.

    If that doesn’t work, then nothing else will. That’s your “litmus test” if you will.

    If you telnet to it from a command prompt from a remote machine, does it ever connect?

    C:>telnet server 9999

    Does it just hang, or does it give you the message about “press ^] to break” or whatever?

     If that doesn't work, then nothing else will.  That's your "litmus test" if you will.

    If you telnet to it from a command prompt from a remote machine, does it ever connect?

    C:>telnet server 9999

    Does it just hang, or does it give you the message about "press ^] to break" or whatever?

    The webserver started responding; I’m able to log into the webadmin page now. However, iTunes is still hanging on clients when I select the playlist. I’ll let this run for a few hours and see if it returns anything. Locally (running iTunes on win2003) the playlist is displayed within a minute or two.

    My server has two interfaces – don’t know if this information might help.



    Strange – accessing the web interface remotely does not show the server’s Uptime, Songs, Songs Served, the smart playlists or allowing me to edit the configuration. However, I can see the DB Version and status of the Services (Bonjour, Media Server).

    Suppose I need to review firefly’s setup and permission??


    @cjl2006 wrote:

    Strange – accessing the web interface remotely does not show the server’s Uptime, Songs, Songs Served, the smart playlists or allowing me to edit the configuration. However, I can see the DB Version and status of the Services (Bonjour, Media Server).

    Suppose I need to review firefly’s setup and permission??

    No, that sounds like the db deadlock others are experiencing. I’ve gotten it to deadlock on me once already, but not under a debugger. I’m working on doing that now.


    @rpedde wrote:

    @cjl2006 wrote:

    No, that sounds like the db deadlock others are experiencing. I’ve gotten it to deadlock on me once already, but not under a debugger. I’m working on doing that now.

    This is wonderful news I suppose this would explain why I’m not able to stream to remote clients as well. Please let me know once you have a solution.


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