Win XP install for Roku SB 1000

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  • #581

    The server seems to be working. I can connect to firefly from my SB 1000 over 100mb wired ethernet. Problem is when I search for anything (that should be there) I get a big 0 items.

    The version I installed is 1.0 svn-1313, from the link on Roku’s website. My MP3 files are stored on a Win2003 server share that is a mapped drive in my local Win XP. I am logged into my xp system as a Domain Admin.

    Any ideas?



    OK, now some of it is coming together. Storing my MP3s on a network share complicates things.

    Now with firefly pointing at the iTunes xml file in My Docs and a 2nd line pointing (via unc) to the share where the MP3s are the cataloging process is taking much longer and is counting up songs. And they are playing on the Roku. Cool.


    @dscycler wrote:

    OK, now some of it is coming together. Storing my MP3s on a network share complicates things.

    Now with firefly pointing at the iTunes xml file in My Docs and a 2nd line pointing (via unc) to the share where the MP3s are the cataloging process is taking much longer and is counting up songs. And they are playing on the Roku. Cool.

    If you end up with empty playlists, it might be because firefly can’t figure out that x:mp3whatever is the same as \serversharemp3whatever, since the data in the iTunes file will be drive letter based, and the path from the scan will be unc based.

    So it might be strange that way.

    If so, then drop the unc one, and make firefly log in as your user account on the service tab. If the drive is connected as persistent (i.e. you checked the box that said “remember this connection” or whatever), then it should map the drive letter for firefly, and it should be able to index just off hte iTunes xml file (and better be able to figure ot playlists).

    — Ron


    When I try to save a 2nd music folder as: Z:MP3…..

    firefly responds with “Error: 500general:mp3_dir”


    @dscycler wrote:

    When I try to save a 2nd music folder as: Z:MP3…..

    firefly responds with “Error: 500general:mp3_dir”

    Erp. That should probably show up with a friendlier pop-up error message. Oops!

    What it *should* say is “the directory z:mp3…” is invalid. Apparently the drive letter isn’t being mapped when the service starts.

    And some googling shows that yeah, drive letter handling for services is different under server 2k3 and xp than on w2k.

    Hrm. *are* the playlists showing up as empty? They probably should be. I’ll have to come up with some way to map a drive letter to a unc path so that firefly can find the files.

    As a “quick fix”, you can toss the .xml file into the music directory on the server, and it should pick up the playlists from that. Still, though, this needs a better fix.


    AS a result of various attempt my song count in the db is going way up. Can I stop the service, rename the db, restart the service and get a new blank db file?


    @dscycler wrote:

    AS a result of various attempt my song count in the db is going way up. Can I stop the service, rename the db, restart the service and get a new blank db file?

    Yup. Plus, you could upgrade to a newer version on the nightlies page, as the latest nightlies are *much* faster than 1313, so it will cut down on scanning time.

    — Ron


    OK – Thanks for your help. This setup seems to work.

    1. Create in local XP a “Network Place” named ‘Music on Aires’ which maps to \airesmusic (I did this cause iTunes did not want to browse to the systems in the windows network but it did see network places…..)

    2. Set iTunes Music Folder location to: \airesmusicmp3

    3. Set Firefly Media location(s) to: D:My DocumentsMy MusiciTunes,\airesmusicMP3 (display in tray configuration tool) using the web configuration tool. The wild thing about the web tool is that it:
    a. errors trying to save a mapped drive
    b. the browse tool from iTunes 7 did not display servers in the Windows Domain
    c. but it does show a “Network Place”.

    Funny but now iTunes does browse the windows network properly.

    Now things appear to be OK. 😀

    After the weekend I will be asking about internet radio streams…… But that’s a subject for another day.


    @dscycler wrote:

    a. errors trying to save a mapped drive

    I made a bug report for this, so I can track it. It’s here if you want to track it.

    — Ron

    Matt Dralle

    I’m having sort of a similar problem. I’ve got the latest version of FF and am trying access a remote mount from an XP system.

    I’ve tried mounting the remote drive two different ways:

    1) Mounting to a drive letter (e.g. X:mp3)

    2) Mounting directly to the share (e.g. \hostmp3)

    In both cases, the standard Windows version of FF doesn’t find any songs.

    But here’s the weird part. If I run the debug version of FF, it finds all of the songs!! And, with either method 1) or 2) as described above.




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