Use 1586 or 1696, nothing in between

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  • #1914

    Just a reminder for new guys here:

    Use either svn-1586 as latest “stable” build before the code rewrite or use svn-1696. All versions in between have rather severe memory leaks. May not be too visible on a normal computer but on a NSLU it does cause the daemon to drop.

    P.S.: I got a debian lenny little endian arm .deb in case someone needs it.



    svn-1696 has been running smoothly on my slug for a week now.


    @M@rk wrote:


    svn-1696 has been running smoothly on my slug for a week now.

    Finally… now I can start breaking stuff again… playlists are next for major breakage… 🙂


    This seems like a reasonable place to ask this: How do I specify what build ipkg is to grab? There is a section in the wiki “Installing a nightly build” but I assume that’s gonna grab svn-1696 and I want it to get svn-1586.


    @eflat wrote:

    This seems like a reasonable place to ask this: How do I specify what build ipkg is to grab? There is a section in the wiki “Installing a nightly build” but I assume that’s gonna grab svn-1696 and I want it to get svn-1586.

    Right… you *used* to be able to download the ipkg locally and do “ipkg install ./local-file.ipkg”, but something broke in ipkg and you can’t do that anymore.. it still looks on the web and tries to get 1696 even when you told it to load a local file.

    Best fix, I think, is to download the file locally and then remove the firefly.conf from /etc/ipkg:

    mv /etc/ipkg/firefly.conf /tmp
    ipkg update
    ipkg install ./mt-daapd-svn-1586…
    mv /tmp/firefly.conf /etc/ipkg
    ipkg update

    — Ron


    couple questions:
    1. So I should still do “echo “src firefly” > /etc/ipkg/firefly.conf” first (as specified on the NSLU2 Installation page)?

    2. What file specifically should I grab? I’ve got a slug running unslung. The options from the nightlies page are: mt-daapd-svn-1586.tar.gz, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_dapper_i386.deb, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_edgy_i386.deb, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_etch_arm.deb, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_sarge_armeb.deb, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_sarge_i386.deb, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_sarge_powerpc.deb, mt-daapd_svn-1586-1_armeb.ipk, mt-daapd_svn-1586-1_mipsel.ipk, mt-daapd_svn-1586-1ds101g_powerpc.ipk, mt-daapd_svn-1586-1wl500_mipsel.ipk, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_etch_i386.deb, mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_feisty_i386.deb (I’m guessing the .deb’s are for debian, but I’ll not assume for now…)



    There is another, easier way
    If you want to downgrade the version of firefly without any savings, then you can use the ipkg remove option for uninstalling a package.
    If the downgrade version is stored locally, you start after the “remove” directly installing the next version from this directory.
    Works fine, I’ve tried many fireflies in this way …


    Good. I used the ‘armeb’ file and Ron’s steps and it looks like it is running. Off now to configure it, etc. Thanks!



    First a huge thanks to Ron for developing this great software, and others for an active community here.

    Thanks to the clear instructions here, I was able to get Firefly up and running quite easily on my Synology DS-106j NAS.

    I started with build 1696, but found that it crashed the server whenever I tried to load a large playlist from my Roku Soundbridge. I dropped back to 1586, and it seems to be working OK now. With this version, it still won’t load the large (~9000 songs) playlist (says “Failed to get songs”), but it doesn’t kill the server, and I can go on to other playlists, etc.

    The DS-106j only has 32MB of RAM, so maybe it’s more sensitive to memory issues than some other boxes are.

    Thanks again!


    Please note that the Soundbridge has its limitations itself!

    There is only a limited memory in the SBs, so they cannot load an indefinitely big playlists. That is however often not the limiting factor. The SBs also have a timeout and the longer the list the more time it needs.

    Up to about 10k songs one finds usually success report. When you exceed that you need to use some tricks like indexing the database, using sqlite3 database over sqlite2 etc. There are forum posts about it.

    And at some point it simply wont be fast enough any more and the timeout occurs – cannot load.

    For 9k songs I would try to optimize the DL speed a bit and that should be doable.

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