Unable to start mt-daapd on Synology DS101J

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues Unable to start mt-daapd on Synology DS101J

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Milhouse.
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  • #395

    Hello, I have just tried to install mt-daapd on a Synology DS101J (2.0.1 – 3.0281) running BusyBox v1.00-pre2 on Intel ARM. When i run in telnet /opt/etc/init.d/S60mt-daapd (with -d9 to receive more logging info) I get this :

    DiskStation> /opt/etc/init.d/S60mt-daapd
    Read web_root: /opt/share/mt-daapd/admin-root
    Read port: 3689
    Read admin_pw: mt-daapd
    Read db_dir: /opt/var/mt-daapd
    Read mp3_dir: /volume1/Music
    Read servername: Synology Music
    Read runas: guest
    Read playlist: /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.playlist
    Read password: mp3
    Read extensions: .mp3,.m4a,.m4p
    Read logfile: /volume1/Julien/mt-daapd.log
    Read rescan_interval: 600
    Read always_scan: 0
    Read process_m3u: 0
    Read scan_type: 0
    Read compress: 0
    Checking existence of /volume1/Music
    Checking existence of /opt/var/mt-daapd

    And that’s all, nothing less, nothing more, In my log file I have :

    2006-06-26 23:32:06: Starting rendezvous daemon
    2006-06-26 23:35:20: Starting rendezvous daemon
    2006-06-26 23:41:29: Starting rendezvous daemon
    2006-06-26 23:45:43: Starting rendezvous daemon

    And here is my conf file :

    web_root    /opt/share/mt-daapd/admin-root
    port 3689
    admin_pw mt-daapd
    db_dir /opt/var/mt-daapd
    mp3_dir /volume1/Music
    servername Synology Music
    runas guest
    playlist /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.playlist
    password mp3
    extensions .mp3,.m4a,.m4p
    logfile /volume1/Julien/mt-daapd.log
    #art_filename _folderOpenImage.jpg
    rescan_interval 600
    always_scan 0
    process_m3u 0
    scan_type 0
    compress 0

    mt-daapd seems not to be runniing as I cannot access web admin and as the shared playlist is not available in iTunes.

    Any ideas ?
    Cordialy, Milhouse


    @Milhouse wrote:

    Any ideas ?
    Cordialy, Milhouse

    Try running it in the foreground, like:

    /path/to/mt-daapd -c /path/to/mt-daapd.conf -f -d9 -y

    See what that gives you. Maybe it’s crashing on scanning a particular song.


    Ok, then I get this :

    DiskStation> /opt/sbin/mt-daapd -c /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.conf -f -d9 -y
    Read web_root: /opt/share/mt-daapd/admin-root
    Read port: 3689
    Read admin_pw: mt-daapd
    Read db_dir: /opt/var/mt-daapd
    Read mp3_dir: /volume1/Music
    Read servername: Synology Music
    Read runas: guest
    Read playlist: /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.playlist
    Read password: mp3
    Read extensions: .mp3,.m4a,.m4p
    Read logfile: /volume1/Julien/mt-daapd.log
    Read rescan_interval: 600
    Read always_scan: 0
    Read process_m3u: 0
    Read scan_type: 0
    Read compress: 0
    Checking existence of /volume1/Music
    Checking existence of /opt/var/mt-daapd
    Starting rendezvous daemon
    /opt/sbin/mt-daapd: relocation error: /opt/lib/libnss_files.so.2: symbol _nss_files_parse_pwent, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference

    I don’t know if I can do something for that.


    @Milhouse wrote:

    Ok, then I get this :

    DiskStation> /opt/sbin/mt-daapd -c /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.conf -f -d9 -y
    Read web_root: /opt/share/mt-daapd/admin-root
    Read port: 3689
    Read admin_pw: mt-daapd
    Read db_dir: /opt/var/mt-daapd
    Read mp3_dir: /volume1/Music
    Read servername: Synology Music
    Read runas: guest
    Read playlist: /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.playlist
    Read password: mp3
    Read extensions: .mp3,.m4a,.m4p
    Read logfile: /volume1/Julien/mt-daapd.log
    Read rescan_interval: 600
    Read always_scan: 0
    Read process_m3u: 0
    Read scan_type: 0
    Read compress: 0
    Checking existence of /volume1/Music
    Checking existence of /opt/var/mt-daapd
    Starting rendezvous daemon
    /opt/sbin/mt-daapd: relocation error: /opt/lib/libnss_files.so.2: symbol _nss_files_parse_pwent, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference

    I don’t know if I can do something for that.

    Sounds like you have a wrong version of libc or something. Likely the version you are running hasn’t been compiled for your platforms.

    Or perhaps you have a version or firmware or something that isn’t completely compatible with unslung optware (or wherever you got the package from).


    Thank you, I just did a rm /opt/lib/libnss_files* and everything working now 🙂

    Thanks 🙂

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