Transcoding over RSP ?

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  • #276

    Hi Ron,

    I am one of those Pinnacle Soundbridge victims..
    Any idea when transcoding of alac files will work with RSP ?
    Thanks & keep up the good work !


    @Martin wrote:

    Hi Ron,

    I am one of those Pinnacle Soundbridge victims..
    Any idea when transcoding of alac files will work with RSP ?
    Thanks & keep up the good work !

    I’m going to try and get transcoding on non-windows systems tonight, and transcoding on windows systems this weekend.

    That’s my goal.

    — Ron





    Wonderful, cant wait to see that !

    Do you roll out a new nightly package or should I attempt to build it myself ?



    I’ve just build the latest source tree on my slug and…IT WORKS !!!
    thank you thank you thank you ! now my Pinnacle SB is back online !

    Just one thing, I tried to open a file bought on iTunes. I know such songs are not supposed to play on the SB, but it made the SB reboot.

    Thanks again !


    did you include .m4p files to the scan ?


    yes, I guess that must be it, although I think that when I was using DAAP the Roku was refusing to play, but was not crashing.
    Really not a big problem for me anyway; I just dont purchase on iTunes anymore.


    ah ok, there’s the bug.
    got it.


    Another one I dont quite understand.
    Shortly after my first successful test, I unplugged the SB to move it to its final location, then started it back up.
    The SB would not want to connect to the library anymore.
    I thought of a network issue (since it is now wireless), so I reconfigured it completely, but same issue remained. Very occasionally, it was able to connect, but then crashed when attempted to browse albums, then got connection errors when attempting to play songs.
    My other SB, running DAAP, could still connect to the library and play without issues.
    I finally went to the slug, checked the logs but could not find anything out of the usual. I rebooted mt-daapd, went back to the Pinnacle and…it works…
    Anyway, this is all wonderful work and I’m SO happy I can do something with the Pinnacle SB, at last.


    @Martin wrote:

    The SB would not want to connect to the library anymore.
    I thought of a network issue (since it is now wireless), so I reconfigured it completely, but same issue remained. Very occasionally, it was able to connect, but then crashed when attempted to browse albums, then got connection errors when attempting to play songs.
    My other SB, running DAAP, could still connect to the library and play without issues.
    I finally went to the slug, checked the logs but could not find anything out of the usual. I rebooted mt-daapd, went back to the Pinnacle and…it works…
    Anyway, this is all wonderful work and I’m SO happy I can do something with the Pinnacle SB, at last.

    Hrm… I’m not sure what this is. I’m glad it’s working for you now, though. I was going to drop a new nightly this weekend, but I guess you beat me to it. 🙂

    — Ron

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