SQLite Prob on NSLU2

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  • #3303

    Following up on my post about /tmp permissions. I used to get:

    2005-12-29 18:54:38: db_sqlite_open: malformed database schema – unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables (/opt/var/mt-daapd/songs.db)

    I fixed it by putting the following as the 2nd-to-last line in the /opt/etc/init.d/S60mt-daapd file:

    chmod 1777 /tmp

    Works like a charm and I have seen others reporting this problem but I had only seen a solution that suggested chmod 777 /tmp. I don’t believe that’s as secure if you have a multi-user slug 🙂



    That’s a good call… I’ll add that to the installer as well, just to make sure nobody else gets hit by that.


    — Ron

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