Segmentation fault on Linksys WRT54GL

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues Segmentation fault on Linksys WRT54GL

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by _albert_.
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  • #434

    Hi, I’m installed the packages for the asus wl500g to my openwrt WRT54GL.

    If I leave the mp3 directory empty it starts OK, I can also access to the web interface.

    but when it detects some mp3 file it gives me a segmentation fault.

    Here is my /opt/sbin/mt-daapd -c /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.conf -f -d9 -y output (with mp3 files):

    root@OpenWrt:~/windowsshare/mt-daapd_DB# /opt/sbin/mt-daapd -c /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.conf -f -d9 -y
    Read web_root: /opt/share/mt-daapd/admin-root
    Read port: 3689
    Read admin_pw:

    Read db_dir: /tmp/windowsshare/mt-daapd_DB
    Read mp3_dir: /tmp/windowsshare/mp3/
    Read servername: Audio Streaming
    Read runas: root
    Read playlist: /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.playlist
    Read extensions: .mp3,.m4a,.m4p
    Read rescan_interval: 600
    Read always_scan: 0
    Read process_m3u: 1
    Checking existence of /tmp/windowsshare/mp3
    Checking existence of /tmp/windowsshare/mt-daapd_DB
    Starting rendezvous daemon
    Starting signal handler
    Loading playlists
    Initializing database
    Finished loading smart playlists
    Adding smart playlist AAC Files as 5
    Adding new playlist AAC Files
    Added playlist
    Adding smart playlist Non-DRMed Music as 4
    Adding new playlist Non-DRMed Music
    Added playlist
    Adding smart playlist Recently Added as 3
    Adding new playlist Recently Added
    Added playlist
    Adding smart playlist 60’s Music as 2
    Adding new playlist 60’s Music
    Added playlist
    Building playlists
    Loaded database… found 0 songs
    Starting mp3 scan
    Foreground scanning for MP3s in /tmp/windowsshare/mp3
    Signal handler started
    Found /tmp/windowsshare/mp3/1.mp3
    FS Mod time: 1148852148
    Could not find id 34740
    DB Mod time: 0
    Found music file: 1.mp3
    Segmentation fault

    PD: I have tried sqlite directly and it runs OK



    @_albert_ wrote:

    Hi, I’m installed the packages for the asus wl500g to my openwrt WRT54GL.

    Not even a clue. But my guess might be a libid3tag problem.

    If you put a wma file and it works, then it’s probably a libid3tag issue. Also, the version you have isn’t using sqlite. It uses gdbm, although gdbm looks like it’s working.


    Confirmed, it works with WMA & AAC files.

    It has to be a libid3tag issue. I’m going to investigate further on that.


    Ok, it’s working with this libid3tag package:

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

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