Playlists Question …

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by KlinT.
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  • #460

    Hi all,

    Well, I encounter a little problem with my playlists …

    I’d like to order the MP3 Files in the playlist created during the scan … But using for example the track_number or disk_number ID3.Tag …

    But actually, the files are sorted on their filenames ๐Ÿ™

    I’ve tried some “order … ” statement … But it doesn’t work … Maybe I’ve used an old/bad syntax …

    Any idea ?

    Many thanks.



    @KlinT wrote:

    Hi all,

    Well, I encounter a little problem with my playlists …

    I’d like to order the MP3 Files in the playlist created during the scan … But using for example the track_number or disk_number ID3.Tag …

    But actually, the files are sorted on their filenames ๐Ÿ™

    I’ve tried some “order … ” statement … But it doesn’t work … Maybe I’ve used an old/bad syntax …

    Any idea ?

    Many thanks.


    Setting order is a “thing for the future”. Right now, it comes back in whatever order it feels like. I’m about to start a new branch for post-1.0 stuff, and database fixes to facilitate this are in the plan.

    – Ron


    Oki, thanks a lot for your reply ๐Ÿ˜€

    This is a “minor” enhancement, but usefull …

    Everything run perfectly under netbsd-current. Very good job.

    Best Regards


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