NSLU2 + iTunes/Win – horrible quality

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues NSLU2 + iTunes/Win – horrible quality

  • This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by SiD.
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  • #358

    I just installed mt-daapd on my unslunged nslu2, and got it working without too much fuss. I then fired up iTunes (v5 win), found my sample 3 mp3’s on NSLU2 Music, and proceeded to play them.

    But the sound quality is horrible. It sounds like some kind of stop-go buffer rendering is occurring. It keeps popping out for a fraction, then plays a little.

    I suspected bandwidth and disk access speeed, but when playing the mp3’s thru the file share, they sound perfectly fine. So it doesn’t look lile nslu2 or mt-daapd is the problem.

    Have anyone here got a clue to what’s wrong with my setup ?

    Appriciate any insights.


    what version of mt-daapd are you using ?
    are you sure you have set up your config file so no background-scans are happening ?
    these slow the slug down tremendously. or at least mt-daapd’s tasks….


    I installed it a few days ago, so it’s the very latest, I think. “ipkg list” lists it as version 0.2.4

    And the strange part is, I used all the default settings, and so haven’t touched – or changed – the conf file. I’ve just browsed it, and it’s set to rescan every 10 minutes, non-aggressively.

    And besides, I’ve only installed 3 mp3 files sofar in the mp3 folder, so even a rescan ought to be over very quickly, wouldn’t it ?


    @LarsI wrote:

    I installed it a few days ago, so it’s the very latest, I think. “ipkg list” lists it as version 0.2.4

    And the strange part is, I used all the default settings, and so haven’t touched – or changed – the conf file. I’ve just browsed it, and it’s set to rescan every 10 minutes, non-aggressively.

    And besides, I’ve only installed 3 mp3 files sofar in the mp3 folder, so even a rescan ought to be over very quickly, wouldn’t it ?

    Ya, plus, those are what? 128 or 192k files? Shouldn’t be any problem at all streaming those.

    You are on the local network, right? Wireless? Or wired?

    I can’t even guess at what might cause that to not work. I have that problem when I try to stream video off the thing, but not music.


    It may be mp3’s themselves that cause problems, but I surely hope not. They’re part of/recorded from my vast LP collection (sofar done 70 albums), so I hope the mp3 I generated are ok πŸ˜‰

    I used FastEnc to convert from wav to mp3, and the bit rate is 128Kbit.

    I just added a track from a ripped CD to the server, and it sounds awful too πŸ™

    I punched a small hole in my router, so you may be able to reach my server at


    Lars I am listening to your music as I type this and it sounds fine to me. Was your problem solved already?

    I am listening with iTunes 4.0.6 on Mac OS X 10.4.7 though. Bonjour advertising through Network Beacon.

    P.S. I only just realised I am listening in New Zealand to Music streamed from Denmark! πŸ˜€


    Way to go, Patrekur! Small world indeed πŸ˜€

    I’m relieved that the mp3’s seems to be performing as expected for you πŸ™‚

    But alas no, my problem hasn’t been resolved. It still sounds awful for me, and I still can’t put my finger on the cause.

    I noticed that you use iTunes 4. I’m using iTunes 5. Could some sort of in-compatability in v5 explain the horrible quality ?

    I’ve recorded a sample of what I hear in iTunes, and put it onto the Slug. It’s named “poor quality sample”.


    @LarsI wrote:

    Way to go, Patrekur! Small world indeed πŸ˜€

    I’m relieved that the mp3’s seems to be performing as expected for you πŸ™‚

    But alas no, my problem hasn’t been resolved. It still sounds awful for me, and I still can’t put my finger on the cause.

    I noticed that you use iTunes 4. I’m using iTunes 5. Could some sort of in-compatability in v5 explain the horrible quality ?

    I’ve recorded a sample of what I hear in iTunes, and put it onto the Slug. It’s named “poor quality sample”.

    Eh sorry that was a typo on my part. I have the latest iTunes: v6.0.5

    What I can do is listen to your samples at work with iTunes on Windows and tonight at home with iTunes on my Mac see if that makes a difference?

    Ok. I am listening now on iTunes 6.0.5 on Windows and it sounds fine to me.

    There is no “poor quality sample” yet? Oh there it pops up….

    Yes that sample sounds horrible and I can assure you that is not at all how I hear the other samples!

    Maybe you shound try iTunes 6.0.5 instead of iTunes 5?


    I have the same problem here when I am on my laptop with WI-FI. On my desktop connected to my LAN, it’s perfect.

    When I am using a Windows iTunes server everything is perfect with my WI-FI even playing the mp3 from a network drive. The problem only happens with mt-daapd.

    I’m using version 0.2.4 with iTunes 6.0.5.

    I did the Ubuntu Howto from the wiki to install it.

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