Music skips within album

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by hi-ko.
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    I have noticed that when I use the Firefly Media Server (running on Windows XP Pro), my SoundBridge plays back the music fine for about the first 5 min and then first skips from the middle of a song to the next, and then frequently pauses playback in order to rebuffer.

    I have checked my wireless signal strength and channel to see whether there is interference from neighbors’ wireless networks, but I see no evidence for that.

    Dominik Hoffmann


    @DominikHoffmann wrote:

    I have noticed that when I use the Firefly Media Server (running on Windows XP Pro), my SoundBridge plays back the music fine for about the first 5 min and then first skips from the middle of a song to the next, and then frequently pauses playback in order to rebuffer.

    I have checked my wireless signal strength and channel to see whether there is interference from neighbors’ wireless networks, but I see no evidence for that.

    Dominik Hoffmann

    Can you get a -d9 log of that when it happens? Go into your web config and set the loglevel to 9.

    When it happens, stop the server, zip up the firefly.log and email it to me at [email protected].

    I might bump up some of the logging and ask you to retry it until I can get an idea of what’s going on with it.

    It’s something I don’t experience, but I’ve heard a couple reports of, so I’m interested to see exactly what’s going on.

    — Ron


    I can confirm that I am experiencing this too, with svn-1301, never happened on previous versions. Server is running on a via x86 (~900MHz) on debian sarge. log-file is on it’s way

    and by the way, my client is roku soundbridge 1001, using the newest firmware available.


    I am currently running another test with the same music that revealed the problem from my original post. So far, everything is running fine.

    Since then I have observed the following:

    1. I used to have two servers named “Music Server” show up on my Soundbridge M500.

    2. Since I renamed “Music Server” to “Firefly Music Server” I only see that one.

    3. There has been a reboot for installation of the latest Microsoft security fixes.

    My conclusion is that everything was very intermittent and may not recurr again.

    Perhaps the dual music server processes arose from launching Firefly both as the Administrator and as a non-privileged user on my Windows XP Pro box. However, I don’t remember exactly what the sequence of events was.

    I’ll return to this post should I find even the trace of a smoking gun.

    Dominik Hoffmann


    I have also been having the same problem with the Firefly Media Server while running Windows XP Pro. After 5 hours, Firefly suddenly started skipping songs, only playing about the first 5 seconds of the song and then moving on to the next song. The only way that I could stop this from happening is to stop the song and choose a different artist to play.


    I had the same problem when both, soundbridge and the fireflymediaserver-box use wireless. since the Soundbridge only use 11Mbit there is an issue for the communication between the wireless server and the soundbridge. When I use cable network for the soundbridge or the laptop running the mt-daapd everything is fine. Maybe a duplex communication issue?

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