mt-daap + howl on NetBSD-current

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by KlinT.
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  • #438

    Hi All,

    Well, I’m trying to setup mt-daapd under netbsd 3.99.18 ( -current ) and I experience some problems making it working …

    I’d just like to know if somebody successfully make mt-daapd running under NetBSD ?

    In my case, I suspect a mDNSResponder/Howl configuration issue but this is later question πŸ˜€

    Juste for information,
    SERVER: NetBSD 3.99.18 :
    – howl 1.0.0 installed from pkgsrc
    – mt-daapd 2.0.4 installed from tarball
    – MacOSX 10.4.7/iTunes 4.0.6
    – WinXP SP2/iTunes 4.0.6

    Right now I can access the “mt-daapd admin page” from my browser
    But, Status page reports “RendezVous | Stopped”
    clic on “Start mDNS Server” has no effects πŸ™
    And howl is running …

    So, If you success in setting up mt-daapd under NetBSD … I’d be happy to have some info or feedback to be able to continue my setup πŸ˜€

    Many thanks



    @KlinT wrote:

    Hi All,

    Well, I’m trying to setup mt-daapd under netbsd 3.99.18 ( -current ) and I experience some problems making it working …

    I’d just like to know if somebody successfully make mt-daapd running under NetBSD ?

    In my case, I suspect a mDNSResponder/Howl configuration issue but this is later question πŸ˜€

    Juste for information,
    SERVER: NetBSD 3.99.18 :
    – howl 1.0.0 installed from pkgsrc
    – mt-daapd 2.0.4 installed from tarball
    – MacOSX 10.4.7/iTunes 4.0.6
    – WinXP SP2/iTunes 4.0.6

    Right now I can access the “mt-daapd admin page” from my browser
    But, Status page reports “RendezVous | Stopped”
    clic on “Start mDNS Server” has no effects πŸ™
    And howl is running …

    So, If you success in setting up mt-daapd under NetBSD … I’d be happy to have some info or feedback to be able to continue my setup πŸ˜€

    Many thanks


    i think it *is* working. The “stopped” thing is inaccurate, i believe.

    Does it show up in iTunes?



    Nothing shown in iTunes … πŸ™

    I’ll continue reading the documentation and making some tests …
    I’ve noticed that *it* should work πŸ˜€ So I’ll find the solution …

    Best Regards,



    @KlinT wrote:


    Nothing shown in iTunes … πŸ™

    I’ll continue reading the documentation and making some tests …
    I’ve noticed that *it* should work πŸ˜€ So I’ll find the solution …

    Best Regards,


    One way to troubleshoot might be to set up howl to advertise _daap._tcp manually. If you do that, it should pop up in iTunes, even if you dont’ have an iTunes server (or mt-daapd) running. Then you know the mdns part is working.

    Until that works, mt-daapd won’t work either (as far as showing up in iTunes).

    Might be worth checking to see if you have a firewall set up — mdns uses multicast, so sometimes even if you think you firewall is permissive, sometimes you miss the address, which is the address mdns uses.

    Good luck.


    Ok, thanks for these info, I’ll check my firewall logs for such ip πŸ˜€

    I think my problem is with howl/mDns …

    Let me see, I’ll post the results of my tests …

    Many Thanks,



    I was having problems with the built-in mDNS registration: I could see traffic between the mt-daapd server (NetBSD) and the client (Mac Mini) on the daap port but the shared music would not show up in iTunes on the Mac.

    The traffic I saw was over IPv6, so it could be some sort of an issue with multiple IP addresses. I have a couple of IPv4 addresses on the server as well as an IPv6 address.

    I had used howl and daapd before (but daapd is not stable, and does not work with Front Row), so I decided to try howl with mt-daapd. Works just fine for me. The traffic is all IPv4, so I might be just reaping the benefits of a bug or “feature” of howl not supporting IPv6…

    I installed net/howl from pkgsrc and added a couple of lines to the Makefile of mt-daapd from pkgsrc-wip.

    After GNU_CONFIGURE=yes I added these lines:


    The second line is a bit hackish, but it works…

    Before the include statement for ../../mk/ I added this line:

    .include “../../net/howl/”

    Builds and works fine. I’m not using the -m switch to mt-daapd and the status page reports Rendezvous as Running.



    Thanks for these informations …

    I’ll try this as soon as possible & post the result πŸ˜€

    Actually, I’m upgrading my NetBSD/System … And I’m also Bulk Compile PKGSRC This takes some times …

    I plan to test this next week.

    Many thanks again

    Best Regards




    Well it works fine now …

    I can see my server entry in iTunes after activated the “Search Share Music” parameter …

    I’m now working on the playlist configuration …

    Thanks for all these informations that help me … πŸ˜€

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