Linkstation Installation Crashes

  • This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by noah.
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    I’m trying to install mt-daapd on a Linkstation (Mips). I’m following the FAQ on the Firefly Wiki page ( The top of the FAQ mentions that there is a self-installing package that would do it for me, but the site seems to have disappeared, so I’m just doing what’s in the FAQ.

    I downloaded all the Kurobox binaries and deflated them. When I untar them, I’m doing it from the root directory as it says to. They all work fine, except one — glibc. When I untar it, it runs for a while and then says “segmentation fault” at the prompt and the LinkStation is dead. As in no-access via ssh, telnet, ftp, http type dead. Rebooting doesn’t help. I reloaded the Openlink firmware (which was a lot scarier now that I have data I care about on there) and tried again — exact same result.

    Is there something else I should be doing here? Or does anyone have access to the self-installing package referenced in the FAQ?

    Thanks for any help you can give,


    @noah wrote:

    Is there something else I should be doing here? Or does anyone have access to the self-installing package referenced in the FAQ?

    Ooh… that sucks.

    The only other place I could think to look would be revo:

    That’s mostly forums and stuff for the kuro, but the kuro (I think) is the same hardware platform, but with more ram. Anyone?


    Thanks for the quick response.

    Any ideas what would cause a segmentation fault while untar’ing a file? I’m not sure if it’s running out of diskspace or not — the untar process runs for a long time on that file, so that could be it, but there is nothing else (besides the default stuff) on that partition. The only other thing I noticed was that a lot of the files coming out of the failing tar were PowerPC related — I have the MIPS version, but I can’t see how that would have any effect. They’re just files being extracted at that point…

    Thanks for your help,


    @noah wrote:

    Any ideas what would cause a segmentation fault while untar’ing a file? I’m not sure if it’s running out of diskspace or not — the untar process runs for a long time on that file, so that could be it, but there is nothing else (besides the default stuff) on that partition. The only other thing I noticed was that a lot of the files coming out of the failing tar were PowerPC related — I have the MIPS version, but I can’t see how that would have any effect. They’re just files being extracted at that point…

    The other thing is that if you are dumping binaries for a different architecture over the top of existing binaries (wonder if that’s the case or not), then that might explain why it’s not happy.

    Here’s something, which might be enough to get debian up on it.


    but the site seems to have disappeared

    I have been following developments on the Linkstationwiki for some time, as I have 2 myself, I originally intended to install mtdaapd on one, but have since found that the NSLU2 does a better job, and is properly supported.

    You can find the new linkststationwiki here….




    I just set up my LS2 last week so I can probably be some help here! If you want to run the the older mt-daapd (0.2.5) then you’re just a few steps away. If you want to run the Nightlies then it’s going to take some serious time on your part (it requires a full debian install and the install process is bug-ridden and not for the faint of heart right now). I have it running but life will be a lot better when a version of Freelink is released for the LS2, which I know that someone is currently working on.

    BTW, the Kurobox stuff is for the PPC processor and won’t work on the LS2 which is mipsel.

    The steps you need to go through:

    1) Fresh Openlink install
    2) Install the development tools
    3) Install the 0.2.1 binary package (mipsel-hdlan dir on ftp site)
    4) Create a symbolic link for ‘sort’ to busybox.
    5) Download the 0.2.5 package from the Nightlies page and compile it.
    6) Copy the 0.2.5 binary of mt-daapd over the old 0.2.1 binary.
    7) Configure mt-daapd.conf as normal.

    FTP site for devel_tools and 0.2.1:
    Link regarding ‘sort’ problem:
    Nightlies Page:



    Thanks for the info. I think I’m almost there, but for some reason “cat” isn’t working. It seems to be about the only thing in /bin that doesn’t work, and I have no idea why. I don’t think it’s part of busybox (is that right?) — any idea where I can grab a copy that will work on Openlink? It’s used by the config script, so it seems that I need it. Not sure why it doesn’t work…

    I saw in the other thread that I can download and install the entire /bin package, but that seems like overkill just to grab cat. If that’s what I need to do though, please let me know…



    ‘Cat’ is a binary and will be safe to simply overwrite. You do need to be careful about installing binaries that didn’t come with Openlink, though, because busybox is easy to overwrite by mistake (did that once).

    The easiest thing to do is to decompress all of the files to your computer and then copy over just the file that you need. This page has the unzip password for the image.dat from Openlink:


    @mlomker wrote:

    I have it running but life will be a lot better when a version of Freelink is released for the LS2, which I know that someone is currently working on.

    Wow, yeah. I just went down to best buy and picked up a linkstation with which to test, and went from hunk-of-metal-in-box to debian in about 20 minutes.

    Gotta say that freelink is pretty nice. And easy, too.


    @mlomker wrote:

    The steps you need to go through:

    1) Fresh Openlink install
    2) Install the development tools
    3) Install the 0.2.1 binary package (mipsel-hdlan dir on ftp site)
    4) Create a symbolic link for ‘sort’ to busybox.
    5) Download the 0.2.5 package from the Nightlies page and compile it.
    6) Copy the 0.2.5 binary of mt-daapd over the old 0.2.1 binary.
    7) Configure mt-daapd.conf as normal.

    Sure, it looks so easy when you put it that way…

    Thanks for the help — I got it up and running this morning. Reinstalling the firmware (again) seemed to be the key.

    Thanks again,

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