iPhone/iPod Touch native client app

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Add-on Software iPhone/iPod Touch native client app

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    Hi All,

    I have searched high and low and I can’t find a native DAAP client app capable of connecting to firefly.
    I surmise that there is not one available…
    I am considering having a crack at developing one but I am a noob with objective-c/cocoa touch etc.
    Before I sink a load of time an effort into trying this out (no promises at this stage!) I wanted to get some feedback:

    1) Is there any reason why such an app does not already exist? – i.e. not possible with SDK, blocked from appstore by apple for some reason. It seems that all the functionality I would need exists in other apps – i.e. bonjour discovery of servers, streaming audio etc.
    2) Is there demand for this? I guess I could just do it for myself but it would be nice if others wanted it too.
    3) Has anyone already made a start on such a project?



    It’s definetly blocked by the App store because that would allow to connect to a shared iTunes library. Apple doesn’t want that. Apple wants you to sync it over the wire just like an iPod. *shrug*

    But it’s not as easy as that, since there are similiar devices around and there just doesn’t seem to be a half-decent DAAP client implementation out there. I’ve had an Nokia N810 for almost a year and there is no such thing, not even close. Thats surprising, given it’s open nature.


    I thought it should still be possible to connect to unencrypted DAAP servers.
    As of itunes 7+ DAAP has been encrypted on itunes and has not been reverse engineered (yet).
    (This is why the pinnacle soundbridges can’t use itunes but the roku ones can – roku bought a license for encryption certificate).

    Alternatively, does firefly not support RSP (roku server protocol). I thought this can be used instead of daap?



    It’s not a technical limitation, but simply a restriction.

    The iPhone’s 3 ARM cores are more powerful than most PCs were 10 years ago for instance. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Sure, I understand that the iPhone is more than capable of being a firefly client.
    What makes me uncertain whether a firefly client would be blocked from appstore is that there are uPnP clients out there.
    I think you would be completely correct that an app that could connect to (encrypted) iTunes daap would be blocked from appstore…

    Still, maybe not worth the effort to develop the app without more clarification on the refusal critera.


    I’m looking for the same, but on windows mobile …. Posted 2 times a question on that, haven’t got any reply till now … I don’t understand that we’re the only one wanting a whole music-collection at your fingertips on our smartphone …


    I’m really into this as well. Could be so cool to stream from firefly to airportexpress using the iPhone to remote control it…


    @b@rtm@n wrote:

    I’m looking for the same, but on windows mobile …. Posted 2 times a question on that, haven’t got any reply till now … I don’t understand that we’re the only one wanting a whole music-collection at your fingertips on our smartphone …

    You’re not the only one interested. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I managed to get a client working on windows mobile. I might post it sometime soon.


    As soon as i am able to setup a development environment i am going to give it a shot.
    I have already created a webbapp which can do the same, so making this native shouldnt be the issue (, however setting up XCode on Kalayway and learning frickn Obj-C is… ๐Ÿ™ ).


    Hi Edgecrush3r , i ‘m working on a native ckient app, do you want to test it ?

    You can get it through cydia by adding this url http://pacopad.free.fr/cydia

    Here is a screenshot of my app


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