Firefly 1696 on Conceptronic CHS3NAS (D-Link DNS-323)

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues Firefly 1696 on Conceptronic CHS3NAS (D-Link DNS-323)

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    I’m having difficulties trying to get firefly 1696 to run on it.

    Basically, I downloaded a base Debian etch tarball, in which I chroot on boot.
    Next, I tried installing firefly 1696. After fixing the dependencies, it crashes on startup on the following:

    disk:/# /etc/init.d/mt-daapd start
    Starting mt-daapd: /etc/init.d/mt-daapd: line 27: 5996 Aborted start-stop-daemon --start --quiet -m --pidfile /var/run/$ --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS 2>/dev/null

    So I put the debuglevel to 9:

    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Firefly Version svn-1696: Starting with debuglevel 9
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Attempting to load plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Loaded plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/ (ssc-script/svn-1696)
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): New transcode codec list: ogg,flac,alac
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Attempting to load plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Loaded plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/ (rsp/svn-1696)
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): New transcode codec list: ogg,flac,alac
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Attempting to load plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Loaded plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/ (daap/svn-1696)
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): New transcode codec list: ogg,flac,alac
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Plugin loaded: daap/svn-1696
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Plugin loaded: rsp/svn-1696
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Plugin loaded: ssc-script/svn-1696
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Starting rendezvous daemon
    2007-12-17 09:17:33 (40360380): Initializing avahi

    It seems to die on the Initializing avahi.

    I have no clue where to look, what to fix, or what to even try to attempt to fix this. Anyone?


    Nevermind. apt-get fixed it for me. 🙂

    Working like a charm, problem solved!


    Stale post, in all likelihood, but any chance you’d be willing to share the binaries for those of us who have a DNS-323, and making-do with older versions?


    Well, after a reboot it did the same again.
    So I just looked around at the last line.
    It dies on the avahi daemon. Why? It’s not running.
    I forgot to add avahi daemon to the bootscript.

    Which bootscript?
    I’m using the “funplug” workaround to chroot into a debian etch base install.
    It has a bootscript on the site (which didn’t really work with a copy&paste for me), which i altered to my needs.

    To install the latest nightly I downloaded the Debian Etch for ARM proc and installed with dpkg.

    Except for the avahi problem, it worked like a charm.
    Still does actualy. 🙂

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