does mt-daap support big5 Traditional Chinese id3 tag??

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server General Discussion does mt-daap support big5 Traditional Chinese id3 tag??

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by wilson_chan0913.
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    iTune can’t show the big5 chinese words within the tag, like artist, album and etc. But, if i convert the ID3 tag to unicode format by winamp, then it can show up correctly.So, seems that the id3 lib does not support big5 traditional chinese yet. If it is the situation, is there any plan to support it in the future???


    As a Chinese myself having Traditional Chinese and Japanese songs,I believe unicode is prefered to support device like the Rokue Soundbridge.


    But seems that ID3v1 doesn’t support Unicode, so if the mp3 tagged with ID3v1, could the Roku Soundbridge show the chinese or japanese words correctly???


    @wilson_chan0913 wrote:

    But seems that ID3v1 doesn’t support Unicode, so if the mp3 tagged with ID3v1, could the Roku Soundbridge show the chinese or japanese words correctly???

    No, if it were id3v1, then mt-daapd would think it was latin1, and show garbage for song info.

    On the other hand, if it is encoded as utf-8 or unicode by a proper tagger, mt-daapd reads it fine, and it displays fine on the soundbridge.

    — Ron


    So, we need to convert the tag info. of mp3 from big5 to utf8 or unicode no matter it is id3v1 or id3v2, right??? And now due to mt-daapd treated the big5 as latin1 and caused the gargabe song info showed in iTune client on PC.


    @wilson_chan0913 wrote:

    So, we need to convert the tag info. of mp3 from big5 to utf8 or unicode no matter it is id3v1 or id3v2, right??? And now due to mt-daapd treated the big5 as latin1 and caused the gargabe song info showed in iTune client on PC.

    id3v1 gets ignored if there are id3v2 tags. So you should be able to keep those as-is, and add id3v2 tags with the big5 data converted to unicode or utf-8.

    Try it on one, should work fine.

    — Ron


    @wilson_chan0913 wrote:

    So, we need to convert the tag info. of mp3 from big5 to utf8 or unicode no matter it is id3v1 or id3v2, right??? And now due to mt-daapd treated the big5 as latin1 and caused the gargabe song info showed in iTune client on PC.

    itunes/mac only supports unicode tags, however, itunes/win32 supports both big5 and unicode if you installed itunes in a traditional chinese winxp.

    You can use an itunes/win32 to “convert ID3 tags” to convert your id3 tags to unicode tags, because itunes automatically converts big5 tags to unicode tags when it changes id3 versions (ex. 2.3->2.4)

    If you change all your songs to 2.4 and then change back to 2.3, you can make sure that all your songs have id3v2.3 unicode tags.


    many thanks for all your helps

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