Reply To: Web-based DAAP client


@bartik wrote:


thanks for taking time for this. The point is, that my reverse proxy has this setting:

location /mtdaap/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3689/

Hrm. seems like it’s missing a “proxy pass reverse” option, like apaches proxy does.

. If you know about another way how to achieve the same effect I’m open to suggestions.

I’d use the rewrite module…

rewrite ^(/databases/.*)$ /mtdaap/$1 last;
rewrite ^(/server-info/.*)$ /mtdaap/$1 last;
rewrite ^(/content-codes/.*)$ /mtdaap/$1 last;
rewrite ^(/login/.*)$ /mtdaap/$1 last;
rewrite ^(/update/.*)$ /mtdaap/$1 last;
rewrite ^(/logout/.*)$ /mtdaap/$1 last;
rewrite ^(/rsp/.*)$ /mtdaap/$1 last;

That should rewrite the request, then drop it back through to the forwarder.

Don’t know if that works or not, but some variation on that should probably work. And a far sight easier than fixing the javascript and java.

— Ron