Reply To: Support for http-request range


@tal wrote:

I’ve sent a (RSP style) http-request to firefly (nightly on NSLU2) with a range header so that only part of the song is streamed.

The start offset works fine (is also displayed correctly in the firefly log) but the end-offset/length is ignored and always all remaining bytes are streamed.

Background: I really need to fetch the data in small chuncks since otherwise the network stack on PocketPCs is overflown even before I get a chance to drop the connection.


hrm. true. It used to fully parse the range header, but I think it got lost somewhere. :/

I’ve got it on my “things to do before next stable” list. It should be easy enough that I’ll get to it as one of the first things once the db is stable.

By way of progress report, it’s working now with the new backend, but I still have a deadlock somewhere to chase down. :/

— Ron