@FireflyManiac wrote:
Oh, sorry.
I saw this, and didn’t answer it right away, and so it got unflagged.
Short answer is no way. Your resnet is probably hooked up with a 4500 or something, and without configuring that switch for multicast, there isn’t anything you can do on your end.
Work study program in the IT department, maybe, but failing that… 🙂
As far as RendezvousProxy goes, it’s worked okay for me. Remembering of course that when you set it up, you must set it up for the host on the *other* network.
For example, if I’m at, and my friend is at, using port 3689, then I’d set up rendezvous proxy like this:
ip address:
port: 3689
host label: friend
service name: friend’s itunes
service type: _daap._tcp
That’s always worked okay for me.
— Ron