symbolic link is not detected on NAS

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues symbolic link is not detected on NAS

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  • #1921

    i’ve installed firefly on a “WD MY Book”
    firefly is running and the files which are in the directory /music and all files which are below this directory are detected by firefly.

    my Problem:
    all files on the mybook are in /shares/internal/Music

    i did a symb. link
    ln -s /shares/internal/MUSIK /music/iTunes

    if i do a ls /music/iTunes all mp3 files are displayes but firefly do not detect the files which are in this symbolic link
    ( i tried to add the dir in the mt-daapd.conf – but no change)

    does anybody have the same problem or can help me?


    Does the user that firefly is running as have permissions to the directory ?

    I think it will also need permission to the whole directory tree the files are stored as well.


    @sonichouse wrote:

    Does the user that firefly is running as have permissions to the directory ?

    yes …the user has the permission and if do a ls /music/itunes (with ssh) all files and directories are shown

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Nov 8 10:56 iTunes -> /shares/internal/MUSIK/Musik
    -rwxr–r– 1 root root 3448832 Nov 8 11:23 nolimit.mp3
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 9 19:09 test
    -rwxr–r– 1 root root 6455296 Nov 8 10:10 track02.mp3

    nolimit.mp3, track02.mp3 and all mp3’s in the directory test are shown by firefly
    all mp3’s (mp2’s) which are below the iTunes are not shown in firefly

    edit: mp2’s was misstyped ..should be mp3’s


    Looks like it won’t follow the symbolic link 🙁

    If you go to the configuration page http://server:3689/config.html you can add another music folder in the Music Files section.

    Try adding /shares/internal/Music as an additional folder.


    i tried this already (mp3_dir = /shares/internal/MUSIK/Musik ok i did this in mt-daapd.conf because the firefly build svn-1586 has a bug throug the webinterface) but the files are not detected by firefly.


    @mik_schreiber wrote:

    all mp2’s which are below the iTunes are not shown in firefly

    Did you mean mp2 ?, if so have you added mp2 to your extensions ?


    sorry misstyped …should be mp3’s

    here you see what i’ve tried

    mp3_dir = /music
    #mp3_dir = /shares/internal/MUSIK/Musik
    #mp3_dir = /music/iTunes/Singles
    #mp3_dir = /shares/internal/MUSIK/Musik/Singles

    @sonichouse wrote:

    @mik_schreiber wrote:

    all mp2’s which are below the iTunes are not shown in firefly

    Did you mean mp2 ?, if so have you added mp2 to your extensions ?


    Have you tried setting the log level to 9 and scanning the folder that won’t work ?

    There may be some clues in the log file ?


    i am new to firefly – how to set the debug level to 9 ?


    In your mt-daapd.cong set debuglevel = 9
    or change the debug level in the web configuration advanced screen

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