svn-1082 on NSLU2

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  • #4700

    hm, I just did a short try.
    I could watch the tempish songs.db increase in size, as well as the journal, and then they were deleted, and the server advertised itself.
    So that went well without my “big” ogg files.

    they were supposedly streamed ok to my iTunes client, but I reckoned there’s something bogus with the xiph qtcomponents here.

    Havent really ever tried to play any local ogg files, which is broke too.
    Guess I have to reinstall iTunes. I’ll check it out later.

    But the big files were deffo causing trouble for the scanner, thats proven now.


    @fizze wrote:

    hm, I just did a short try.
    I could watch the tempish songs.db increase in size, as well as the journal, and then they were deleted, and the server advertised itself.
    So that went well without my “big” ogg files.

    they were supposedly streamed ok to my iTunes client, but I reckoned there’s something bogus with the xiph qtcomponents here.

    Havent really ever tried to play any local ogg files, which is broke too.
    Guess I have to reinstall iTunes. I’ll check it out later.

    But the big files were deffo causing trouble for the scanner, thats proven now.

    You can’t stream ogg even with ogg qt stuff. Doesn’t work. Have to transcode.

    — Ron


    aha I see.
    good catch.
    well at least I saw my iTunes was receiving data, and the play-time increased. I didnt hear jizz though.

    so I guess it were really the big files.
    I’ll go ahead and try to enable transcoding next.

    Anyway, I guess you’re interested in one of those files for testing ?


    @fizze wrote:

    aha I see.
    good catch.
    well at least I saw my iTunes was receiving data, and the play-time increased. I didnt hear jizz though.

    so I guess it were really the big files.
    I’ll go ahead and try to enable transcoding next.

    Anyway, I guess you’re interested in one of those files for testing ?

    Yeah, wouldn’t hurt. Although I’m not sure what I’m going to be able to do with it if it’s just an artifact of how libvorbisfile works. Maybe I should just skip large oggs automagically.


    well I’ll see what the results of a foreground scan are, when I have some more time to fiddle with this. damn short & busy work weeks. *curses*

    the files itself are fine, since they play w/o any problems on at least 5 different platforms for me, and for lots of others.


    right, now its up without my “big” ogg files, and transcoding enabled.
    I can access the web interface, but it still seems sluggish.
    The webinterface still tells me the file scanner is running.

    How reliable actually is that info ?
    I see only 1 running mt-daapd instance, which seems to be the webserver. The other task is stopped.

    the SB could connect to the rsp server fine, I played one mp3, it worked fine.
    then I wanted to browse to my (smart) ogg playlist, and it stopped responding.
    I rebooted the SB, no effect.

    After a while I tried to connect with iTunes, and after 10 minutes of “loading” off the DAAP server, mt-daapd died.

    I just enabled -d9 logging to see if I can get any clues.

    ok, heres a snip of the -d9 log:
    mt-daapd doesnt die, but it fails to transcode, obviously.

    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Adding header *Connection=close*
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Added *Connection=close*
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Read:
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Headers parsed!
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Checking to see if connection matches close
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: And it DOES!
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Connection type HTTP/1.1
    : Connection: non-persist
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Original URI: daap://
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Translated URI: /databases/1/items/6661.mp3
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Preparing to find handler
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: URI Match!
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Time is 1149712051 seconds after epoch
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Setting time header
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Added *Date=Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:27:31 GMT*
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Thread 2: Using non-default handler
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Added *Accept-Ranges=bytes*
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Added *DAAP-Server=mt-daapd/svn-1171*
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Added *Content-Type=application/x-dmap-tagged*
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-06-07 22:27:31: Added *Expires=-1*
    2006-06-07 22:27:33: Executing: select * from songs where id=6661
    2006-06-07 22:27:39: Executing: INSERT INTO updated VALUES (6661)
    2006-06-07 22:27:40: Rows: 1
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Thread 2: Length of file (remaining) is 3935084
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Updating Content-Type from application/x-dmap-tagged to audio/mp3
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Added *Content-Length=3935084*
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Added *Connection=Close*
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header Connection: Close
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header Content-Length: 3935084
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header Expires: -1
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header Cache-Control: no-cache
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header Content-Type: audio/mp3
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header DAAP-Server: mt-daapd/svn-1171
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header Accept-Ranges: bytes
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Emitting reponse header Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:27:31 GMT
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Entering config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Exiting config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:27:42: Session 0: Streaming file ‘001 – Time after Time – Cindy Lauper.mp3’ to (offset 0)
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Finished streaming file to remote: 286720 bytes
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Entering config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Exiting config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Thread 2: Terminating
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Thread 2: Freeing request headers
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Thread 2: Freeing response headers
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Thread 2: Freeing request vars
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: Thread 2: Closing fd
    2006-06-07 22:27:52: With thread 2 exiting, 1 are still running
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Entering ws_dispatcher (Connection from
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: got request
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Request: GET daap:// HTTP/1.1
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: Accept: */*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *Accept=*/**
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Accept=*/**
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: Cache-Control: no-cache
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: User-Agent: iTunes/6.0.4 (Windows; N)
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *User-Agent=iTunes/6.0.4 (Windows; N)*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *User-Agent=iTunes/6.0.4 (Windows; N)*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: Client-DAAP-Access-Index: 2
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: Client-DAAP-Validation: 600BF2D774F9258C61C273652C82A45C
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Validation=600BF2D774F9258C61C273652C82A45C*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Client-DAAP-Validation=600BF2D774F9258C61C273652C82A45C*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: Client-DAAP-Request-ID: 2
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Request-ID=2*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Client-DAAP-Request-ID=2*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: x-audiocast-udpport: 1429
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *x-audiocast-udpport=1429*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *x-audiocast-udpport=1429*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: icy-metadata: 1
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *icy-metadata=1*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *icy-metadata=1*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read: Connection: close
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Adding header *Connection=close*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Connection=close*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Read:
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Headers parsed!
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Checking to see if connection matches close
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: And it DOES!
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Connection type HTTP/1.1
    : Connection: non-persist
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Original URI: daap://
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Translated URI: /databases/1/items/6795.ogg
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Preparing to find handler
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: URI Match!
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Time is 1149712082 seconds after epoch
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Setting time header
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Date=Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:28:02 GMT*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Thread 3: Using non-default handler
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Accept-Ranges=bytes*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *DAAP-Server=mt-daapd/svn-1171*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Content-Type=application/x-dmap-tagged*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Added *Expires=-1*
    2006-06-07 22:28:02: Executing: select * from songs where id=6795
    2006-06-07 22:28:09: Executing: INSERT INTO updated VALUES (6795)
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Rows: 2
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Current lock level: 0
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Thread 3: Length of file (remaining) is 4924306
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Updating Content-Type from application/x-dmap-tagged to audio/ogg
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Added *Content-Length=4924306*
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Added *Connection=Close*
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header Connection: Close
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header Content-Length: 4924306
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header Expires: -1
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header Cache-Control: no-cache
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header Content-Type: audio/ogg
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header DAAP-Server: mt-daapd/svn-1171
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header Accept-Ranges: bytes
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Emitting reponse header Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:28:02 GMT
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Entering config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Exiting config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Session 0: Streaming file ‘Discipline.OGG’ to (offset 0)
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Finished streaming file to remote: 45056 bytes
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Entering config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:10: Exiting config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:11: Thread 3: Terminating
    2006-06-07 22:28:11: Thread 3: Freeing request headers
    2006-06-07 22:28:11: Thread 3: Freeing response headers
    2006-06-07 22:28:11: Thread 3: Freeing request vars
    2006-06-07 22:28:11: Thread 3: Closing fd
    2006-06-07 22:28:11: With thread 3 exiting, 1 are still running
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: Entering ws_dispatcher (Connection from
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: got request
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Request: GET daap:// HTTP/1.1
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: Read: Accept: */*
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: Adding header *Accept=*/**
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Added *Accept=*/**
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: Read: Cache-Control: no-cache
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: Adding header *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: Read: User-Agent: iTunes/6.0.4 (Windows; N)
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Thread 4: Adding header *User-Agent=iTunes/6.0.4 (Windows; N)*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *User-Agent=iTunes/6.0.4 (Windows; N)*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Read: Client-DAAP-Access-Index: 2
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    2006-06-07 22:28:23: Added *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Read: Client-DAAP-Validation: 81751F49BEBF54FCCCB990BF9A934FAD
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Validation=81751F49BEBF54FCCCB990BF9A934FAD*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Client-DAAP-Validation=81751F49BEBF54FCCCB990BF9A934FAD*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Read: Client-DAAP-Request-ID: 3
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Request-ID=3*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Client-DAAP-Request-ID=3*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Read: x-audiocast-udpport: 1431
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Adding header *x-audiocast-udpport=1431*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *x-audiocast-udpport=1431*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Read: icy-metadata: 1
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Adding header *icy-metadata=1*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *icy-metadata=1*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Read: Connection: close
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Adding header *Connection=close*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Connection=close*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Read:
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Headers parsed!
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Checking to see if connection matches close
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: And it DOES!
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Connection type HTTP/1.1
    : Connection: non-persist
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Original URI: daap://
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Translated URI: /databases/1/items/6805.ogg
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Preparing to find handler
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: URI Match!
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Time is 1149712104 seconds after epoch
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Setting time header
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Date=Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:28:24 GMT*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Thread 4: Using non-default handler
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Accept-Ranges=bytes*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *DAAP-Server=mt-daapd/svn-1171*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Content-Type=application/x-dmap-tagged*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Added *Expires=-1*
    2006-06-07 22:28:24: Executing: select * from songs where id=6805
    2006-06-07 22:28:28: Executing: INSERT INTO updated VALUES (6805)
    2006-06-07 22:28:28: Rows: 3
    2006-06-07 22:28:28: Current lock level: 0
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Thread 4: Length of file (remaining) is 9020691
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Updating Content-Type from application/x-dmap-tagged to audio/ogg
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Added *Content-Length=9020691*
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Added *Connection=Close*
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header Connection: Close
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header Content-Length: 9020691
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header Expires: -1
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header Cache-Control: no-cache
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header Content-Type: audio/ogg
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header DAAP-Server: mt-daapd/svn-1171
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header Accept-Ranges: bytes
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Emitting reponse header Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:28:24 GMT
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Entering config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Exiting config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Session 0: Streaming file ‘Genesis – 10 – There Must Be Some Other Way.ogg’ to (offset 0)
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Finished streaming file to remote: 49152 bytes
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Entering config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Exiting config_set_status
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Thread 4: Terminating
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Thread 4: Freeing request headers
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Thread 4: Freeing response headers
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Thread 4: Freeing request vars
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: Thread 4: Closing fd
    2006-06-07 22:28:29: With thread 4 exiting, 1 are still running

    while Im not sure if this happens because the iTunes reports as ogg capable itself due to the quicktime xihp stuff…. I’ll try with the SB and see what i get.

    SB wont connect, and reboots upon attempting disconnecting. the works. 🙂

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)
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