[SOLVED] Some FLAC don’t play in Rhythmbox via DAAP

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server General Discussion [SOLVED] Some FLAC don’t play in Rhythmbox via DAAP

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    @jblache wrote:

    Can you make the problematic files available? The very long one and one of the other files that don’t play should be enough to find out what’s going on.

    I have ideas for both of the issues you’re encountering (as I think there are 2 separate issues), but it’s going to be waaaaaaay faster if I can just test that out myself 🙂

    Hi, could you please hit me on jabber or mail? I don’t want to (can’t) share these files with whole Internet 🙂 It’s michal [_a_t_] penka {.d.o.t.} name



    So the problem was that Michal was hitting the “ffmpeg can’t handle FLAC files with more than 64k of metadata”.

    Fortunately for him, most of the metadata on the problematic files were actually padding as they had been deleted without using the proper options to not generate padding.


    Yes, jblanche helped me. The solution was:

    metaflac --dont-use-padding --remove --block-type=PADDING *.flac

    Because before it looked like:

    METADATA block #3
    type: 1 (PADDING)
    is last: true
    length: 423601

    after doing

     metaflac --list

    for each file.

    Now every song seems to be playable, but I’ll check my database during the following times.

    Thanks everybody who was involved!

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