Skipped Tracks

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  • #195

    If you keep a count of how many times a track is skipped, it would be like applying negative ratings. Users could then do things like:

    genre includes “rock” and skipped = 0

    to avoid all the tracks they are known to dislike.


    Post edited by: ajayre, at: 2006/03/07 04:13


    Thats a really good idea.

    I’ll probably look at that.


    Perhaps playing a track all the way through will decrement the skipped count. That way the negative effects of using the the skip count in smart playlists can be counteracted if the user wishes, without requiring some kind of management user interface.



    One other thing – the skip count should only be incremented if the user skips within the first 1 (2?) minutes of playing the track. I have several of those annoying tracks with a long silence and then a “hidden” song on the end. Usually I don’t want to sit through 3 minutes of silence to get to it, so I will skip it.



    Just an FYI, but as I recall Ron has designs to implement (Audio Scrobbler) compatibility within mt-daapd at some point. Should this ever be realized, then your skip requirements may be problematic.

    According to the submission framework, a given track must play, without break, for at least the first fifty percent of total play time in order to be counted. Subsequent to that threshold, one can scrub forward or backward as desired to repeat or otherwise manipulate the stream, yet maintain full credit.

    It would seem to me that, in order to satisfy both your skip requirements and the submission protocol for would require a duplicate accounting routine — one to ensure that a skip not be logged as such locally unless such is done "within the first 1
    (2?) minutes of playing the track" and another to ensure that no skipping whatsoever is executed for the initial half the track duration to satisfy credit requirements.

    Unless you are listening to your music directly from the original media, it would seem to me a much more efficacious practice to edit the problematic tracks you cite in order to remove the silent portions. I, too, have around half a dozen or so tracks which have this dead space — either at the beginning or between the end of the music and the commencement of some "hidden" content. All have been edited to trim the dead air and, if necessary, generate a new track.


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