RFC: dynamic debug mode and logging

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  • #765

    Would it be possible to add functionality to increase debug level dynamically using a ‘kill -USR1’ and decrease it again using ‘kill -USR2’

    This on Unix of course, I dont have a clue on other platforms.

    This would be an enourmous benefit for large music stores and debug level 7 to 9 when only debug info on daap requests are necessary and not on starting.

    Other question is to get the daemon to start logging with a ‘kill -HUP’ so during night time one can rotate logs and have daapd start on a new logfile


    keep up the great work


    mp-daapd on Linux
    soundbridge M1000
    iTunes on Windows and OSX
    32000+ mp3s


    @fd0 wrote:

    Would it be possible to add functionality to increase debug level dynamically using a ‘kill -USR1’ and decrease it again using ‘kill -USR2’

    Perhaps. You could always do that with wget, though.

    wget --user=someone --password=something http://server:port/xml-rpc?method=setconfig&section=general&key=debuglevel&value=9

    Other question is to get the daemon to start logging with a ‘kill -HUP’ so during night time one can rotate logs and have daapd start on a new logfile

    Hrm. It actually should. You’ll need to touch the new logfile and set permissions to let the “runas” user open it in append mode (since it will have long since dropped privs), but a HUP should already do that.

    You’ll need to HUP the process in the /var/run/mt-daapd pidfile, though.

    — Ron

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