mt-daapd crashing when I try to play a song

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server General Discussion mt-daapd crashing when I try to play a song

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  • #2625

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m having problems with mt-daap crashing when I try and play a song in it. When I double click on a song in iTunes I get the following:

    Thread 1: Entering ws_dispatcher (Connection from
    Thread 1: got request
    Request: GET daap:// HTTP/1.1
    Thread 1: Read: Accept: */*
    Thread 1: Adding header *Accept=*/**
    Added *Accept=*/**
    Thread 1: Read: Cache-Control: no-cache
    Thread 1: Adding header *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
    Thread 1: Read: User-Agent: iTunes/7.7.1 (Macintosh; N; Intel)
    Thread 1: Adding header *User-Agent=iTunes/7.7.1 (Macintosh; N; Intel)*
    Added *User-Agent=iTunes/7.7.1 (Macintosh; N; Intel)*
    Thread 1: Read: Client-DAAP-Access-Index: 2
    Thread 1: Adding header *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    Added *Client-DAAP-Access-Index=2*
    Thread 1: Read: Client-DAAP-Validation: pkû(Ã


    What version of Firefly are you using?

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