I would be inclined to open the subject of an IRC channel to discussion.
My first question would be to inquire as to why you feel such a resource would be a needed.
Chat channels have their benefits, but this project lacks sufficient admins and developers to offer adequate coverage of a channel dedicated solely to mt-daapd. IMO, the forums provide decent support for troubleshooting issues and that would likely be the primary focus of a project channel. Do you not agree?
agreed. but i think irc is nice coz its real time. if there are even just a few people lingering on the edges in a room dedicated to a certain topic, they may notice people asking questions and be able to help there and then. also it puts users directly in touch with others and they can exchange ideas and bounce things of each other live….
those are just a couple of reasons i like irc. all i can say is ive been using this stuff for about a year now and i know i would hang out in such a channel if there was a link on the main page others might turn up…who knows…cant hurt to try though!
I’ve been moving at work, and haven’t had internet in the new building (southwestern bell… morons), so ihaven’t been able to get on at work, plus I’ve been at work quite a bit facilitating the move, so I haven’t had much of a chance to work on much of anything at home, but yeah… that’s where I’ll be when I’m working on this.
— Ron
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