I’ve implemented a Flex-based client for my FireFly Server. Actually i just made the flash-version but i think i will release an AIR-application in a later version.
The client is easy to install, just download it here and unzip the archive anywhere and set in index.html line 95 the host and port pointing to your FireFly Media Server:
"FlashVars", "HOST="
You can drag and drop your media-files from you songlist into the queue and start playing them. Multiple selection is also possible with the common “shift” or “crtl” combination. If you want to remove a song out of your queue, just drag them outside the queue-grid. In the next version, there will be a remove button…
Covers will be delivered by Last.FM. If you want to have a larger image, just stay with your mouse cursor over the little cover on the top, then you will get a extra large tooltip 😉
Just feel free to contact me…
Good Night
Download at: http://www.dinh.de/flexfireplay/FlexFirePlay_0.1.0.zip