Title: Reloading CrossFire
Description: After editing a file, such as templates/crossfire_mediaplayer/js/initialize.js, the changes appear to have no effect.
Firefly Version: 1696-1 (SVN from Oleg repository : http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable)
Crossfire Version(s): 0.6beta
Platform: Asus WL-500gP : Oleg
Client Platform(s): Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Beta 5 – Windows Vista
Mozilla Firefox 3.5.6 – Mac OS-X 10.6
Internet Explorer 7 – Windows Vista
Cause: Issue appears to be caused by caching, though not confirmed
Workaround: After editing and saving the file, load the file directly in a browser, if the file has not been updated, rename the file on the server side, refresh in the browser (should return 404 error) then
rename file to correct name on server side and refresh in browser. It should now be correct, if it is, reload Crossfire.