Can Firefly start a remote player?

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  • #2826

    Hi all,

    hoping you can help. I have the Firefly media server running on my Windows Home Server box, on of those nifty little HP mediasmart things.

    I am wondering if one of two things can be configured with ff.

    1) when accessing it from a webpage, can I get it to play a song on a Roku Soundbridge.
    2) when accessing it from a wepage, can I get it to play a song directly on the machine where the ff server lives (not the machine that accessed it from the browser)

    The reason I ask is that both my Roku and my WHS box are in a basement room, and I can connect either to a home audio speaker system for whole house audio. I would love to be able to get that to work. Of course I can do some of this today, but I either have to run into the basement to “hit play”, or use remote desktop stuff, neither of which seems right.




    The feature that you request is not really suited to a server application like Firefly that may well be running on devices without keyboard or screen. However, there are a number of remote control applications available that you may not be aware of. Take a look at these threads on the Roku forums…

    Personally, I use the last one of these most often if I need a basic remote control, but it depends on what you like, what you need…

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