Reply To: iTunes crashes with Firefly svn 1498 (Windows XP SP2)


Thanks for both your comments. I am using the last version of Bonjour Printer and I managed to relocate the itunes library (which wasn’t easy by the way: the standard function of iTunes doesn’t function, so I had to move my movie collection).

The problem is however persistent. I do not get an error in the log of Firefly, and the only mention I get from iTunes is an offset address.

Strangely, I appear to be the only one. I have a normal Windows XP configuration with no special programs… 😳 I thing I found the culprit… I recently installed a program called Allchars which allows for an easy way to type special characters. It may be coincidence, but I am not entirely sure. I have removed the program and will see if it has solved the issue.

I will come to you in the next days,…