I’m trying to get OGG transcoding working on my maxtor shared storage (MSS) NAS. I’m currently running mt-daapd 0.2.4 from an IPK (found it at http://ipkg.openmss.org/testing) which apparently is not compiled with ogg support.
From what I understand the only way to compile mt-daapd (or anything really) for the MIPS processor is to run a cross compile on a Linux system. Since I don’t have a Linux install handy, let alone have the correct toolchain etc. It’ll be days before I get the correct environment running I’m afraid, if I get it running at all.
Does anyone have a mips-el compiled version with ogg support laying around? Is there by any chance an ipk repository somewhere that offers recent mips-el-ogg-supporting compiled versions?
I noticed there is an armeb version of the nightly available on http://nightlies.mt-daapd.org/. I assume that’s for the ARM processor and won’t run on my broadcom mips will it (duh)? Would it be possible to add a mips-el version to the nightlies page?