I built svn-1206 on FC5 thusly:
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-sqlite3
make install
Here’s my config file:
web_root /usr/share/mt-daapd/admin-root
port = 3689
admin_pw = blahblah
db_type = sqlite3
db_parms = /var/cache/mt-daapd
mp3_dir = /home/share
servername = Dave's mt-daapd
runas = nobody
playlist = /etc/mt-daapd.playlist
extensions = .mp3,.m4a,.m4p,.wav,.flac
ssc_codectypes = ogg,flac,alac
ssc_prog = /usr/bin/mt-daapd-ssc.sh
logfile = /var/log/mt-daapd.log
process_m3u = 1
scan_type = 2
I ran mt-daapd like so:
# /usr/sbin/mt-daapd -f
setting dest to 1
setting dest to 5
Starting with debuglevel 1
Starting rendezvous daemon
Couldn't lookup user = nobody
Couldn't lookup user = nobody
Error in drop_privs: Success
Ack! Do I have a nobody?
# grep nobody /etc/passwd
Of course I do. What is the real problem here?