Playlists in Firefly Media Server (svn-1696)

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    I just installed the “Firefly Media Server (svn-1696)” and now it doesn’t recognise my playlists.
    So when I go to py Soundbridge and select playlists it tells me that there aren’t any, but there sure are several playlists (.m3u files) in my shared musik directory.

    Can anyone help me out here? ๐Ÿ˜•

    Thanks in advance. ๐Ÿ˜›


    Go to the web configuration, and you will see an advanced settings link.

    Follow the link , turn on process playlist and process .m3u

    The playlist will be picked up when you scan next time.


    @sonichouse wrote:

    Go to the web configuration, and you will see an advanced settings link.

    Follow the link , turn on process playlist and process .m3u

    The playlist will be picked up when you scan next time.

    Thanks mate, it works !!! ๐Ÿ˜€


    I have another problem with my playlists…
    It is turned on and everything, and the Soundbridge sees the playlists, but the only one that works is the smart playlists. The other ones are empty when loading them on the soundbridge…
    Any suggestions?!



    I tried to enable m3u support following the above instructions but I got:
    “Error: 500scanning:process_m3u”

    For testing, I have a single m3u file in my music directory. What does the error msg mean and how can I fix it? I’m running svn1586 on Windows XP. Thanks.


    @edbro wrote:

    I tried to enable m3u support following the above instructions but I got:
    “Error: 500scanning:process_m3u”

    For testing, I have a single m3u file in my music directory. What does the error msg mean and how can I fix it? I’m running svn1586 on Windows XP. Thanks.

    Just restart the server and it will be just fine.


    Are your links in the playlists are relative?


    @andrease wrote:

    I have another problem with my playlists…
    It is turned on and everything, and the Soundbridge sees the playlists, but the only one that works is the smart playlists. The other ones are empty when loading them on the soundbridge…
    Any suggestions?!


    Hi, I have same problem, name of the playlist is there, however it’s empty. Furthermore: When I do a scan from the firefly webinterface, the server stops working. Removing the m3u files from my music directory (on my NAS) does solve the problem of server stopping – but I don’t see my playlist. Same problem when I create my playlist in ITunes or MediaMonkey. Do you have any suggestions?


    When I do a scan from the firefly webinterface, the server stops working.

    Make sure you’re using an sqlite3 database (default is sqlite2).
    svn-1969 has a problem that causes it to crash when using sqlite2


    @stretch wrote:

    When I do a scan from the firefly webinterface, the server stops working.

    Make sure you’re using an sqlite3 database (default is sqlite2).
    svn-1969 has a problem that causes it to crash when using sqlite2

    Thanks! Adjusting to sqlite3 cause, that the server now does not crash anymore (when copying playlist to the music-folder), which is excellent – thanks for your help!

    However it is still not picking up the content (!) of my playlist. I have both exported them as m3u files from MediaMonkey and also as HML from iTunes. Process plylist/m3u files is turned on in firefly webinterface and I have been doing a full scan (file scan) from firefly. When I look at firefly smart playlist, I see the playlist but they are counting “0”. The library on same page counts correctly, approx 4500 songs.

    Do you have any ideas?

    Should I maybe locate playlist in a different folder than my musicfolder?

    Really hope you guys can help me with this, I really miss the content of my playlists…



    I’ve been following the thread having suffered similar problems. I have SVN-1586 installed on a WHS box.

    My soundbridge does not see any playlists in the music directory. There are two playlists, one with relative and one with absolute paths, just to be sure, as noted that was one of the solutions.

    I’ve also been inside the advanced conf file and made sure that process_m3u = 1, but there is no option of processs_plylist = 1 or anything similar. Do i need to add this?

    I used to run the soundbridge from windows media connect from my WHS box, but that no longer seems to work, and firefly seemed a good alternative.

    Any help would be much appreciated, but be warned, i’m not really competent when it comes to Linux/Unix and running scripts etc.



    Realised i needed to use the web interface rather than digging around the conf file manually. As such, i have now managed to get the soundbridge to see both the playlists i put in, but when selected, neither display any songs.

    Going to check back that they are formatted correctly, with respect the relative path etc, but any further advice would be greatly appreciated.

    [edit 2]

    I seem to be rapidly filling this post, but i might as well leave my musings here as they may be able to help someone else, although i’m not quite sure how.

    Anyhoo, checked the M3U files, and it seems they were not exactly as they should be. Files in the parent directory were listed correctly with relative path, but songs inside other folders, eg artist name -> album etc only had the folder name in the playlist, which possibly stopped the soundbridge from displaying any songs in the playlist.

    I’m using a program called M3uedit, but if anyone has a suggestion of a better program i’d love to hear it.
    Will let you know if i manage to fix the blasted playlist or whether i will be doomed to only listen to music in my parent directory.

    [/edit 2]

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