yet another database question -year entry

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server General Discussion yet another database question -year entry

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    I have no success when I try to make a smart playlist based on dates. If I say “year = 0” I get all my songs, if I say anything else, I get zero songs. So the database probably is not seeing the dates properly. The dates/years _are_ in the beginning of the songs. (which are .ogg files, made with grip, which calls oggenc.) I suspect this is not truly a firefly issue, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Along that same line, anyone know of a good resource for educating myself on how the various systems of keeping track of the music metadata work? it’ seems kind of confusing.

    Here is a sample of the beginning of a song. it’s been translated from hex to ascii. The data is there and seems normal, but then I don’t really know what normal is, do I, since it’s not working. The other fields seem to work fine.

    Xiph.Org libVorb
    is I 20050304…
    ed In….artist=
    Black Flag….ge
    First Four Year
    …..1L �.�.U…


    Oops, forgot the technical stuff.
    Running 1696 on NSLU2 with unslung. Client is either ROKU M1000 or itunes in windows. Problem of no dates showing up is same in both ROKU and iTunes.



    @rsl360 wrote:

    Oops, forgot the technical stuff.
    Running 1696 on NSLU2 with unslung. Client is either ROKU M1000 or itunes in windows. Problem of no dates showing up is same in both ROKU and iTunes.


    The scanner honors “year” tags in flac/ogg, so something isn’t right there. is it version related, I wonder? Does the year show up in iTunes when you inspect a song?


    @rpedde wrote:

    @rsl360 wrote:

    Oops, forgot the technical stuff.
    Running 1696 on NSLU2 with unslung. Client is either ROKU M1000 or itunes in windows. Problem of no dates showing up is same in both ROKU and iTunes.


    The scanner honors “year” tags in flac/ogg, so something isn’t right there. is it version related, I wonder? Does the year show up in iTunes when you inspect a song?

    In iTunes on windows, the date column is blank as well. I’ll try using somethig esle to rip a cd and see if it makes any difference.
    For what it’s worth, if I cat | grep /opt/var/mt-daapd for 199, or 198, I don’t see anything that resembles a date. (and If it makes any
    difference, I’m the same guy that’s asking about the various versions of sqlite as supplied by ipkg.)




    I ripped a cd using grip (the same as I’ve been using) using lame to convert it to mp3, rather than ogg. (These mp3 files go in a different subdirectory on my NSLU2, not sure if that matters.) In this case, it DOES see the year information in the mp3 files. So the problems is somehow related to ogg file. If I look in the log file during a scan, I see that with the ogg files, the year is showing up as “0”, while with the mp3’s, it’s showing up normally, “1991”, etc.. I suppose the next step is to use a different ripper to produce an ogg file.

    HEY, how about all you other NSLU2 ogg users, can you see the year???? If so, or not, what version are you using, how did you rip the songs, etc….



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