Just wanted to mention an anomaly, which I had been experiencing since the upgrade to iTunes 4.7 (MacOS and mt-daapd 0.2.0) and appears to have been fixed with mt-daapd 0.2.1 (0.2.1-pre3, at least).
In late October, I began to notice that certain files – in fact, entire albums in some cases – would no longer play via a shared library made available with mt-daapd. There was no such issue when the same tracks were played directly from within iTunes. However, if they were accessed via the shared library, they would appear, but not play. A little research revealed that the common factor was either a track (or album) name in eccess of twenty-four characters or those containing special characters (e.g. a forward slash or somesuch).
Following the installation of 0.2.1-pre3, this phenomenon appears to have disappeared. I have tested most all of the albums and tracks which would not play previously and have found them to now do so.
Thanks, Ron! ๐