Reply To: database indexing via inode?


@whatdoineed2do-again wrote:

i think this a problem with the permissioning of the dirs;

/home/ray 0700
/home/ray/music 0755

if i make /home/ray 0755 then it works. slightly odd since the symlink points directly at /home/ray/music

symlink or not, you need at least x permission in every intermediate directory to be able see a target directory. So you don’t need to make /home/ray 0755, you can live with 0711, which will keep people from reading stuff in the root of your home.

Just goes to show, you’d do better to have a world-readable directory somewhere and symlink /home/ray/music to that, rather than letting people grovel around in your homedir. Mucking around with homedir permissions is good way to accidentally let people read stuff they shouldn’t. Not that I guess it matters on a single user system, still, bad form.

Also, if you are still keeping your config file in old form:

mp3_dir /whatever

Then you’d do well to copy the config file from contrib and re-edit it. There are lots of new config values, and a whole new config file format, and while it does a fair job of trying to interpret an old-style config, it’s less error prone all around to switch to the new-format config.

good luck.

— Ron